View Full Version : sudden rush of fear

11-12-10, 18:00
haven't posted for a couple weeks because i was feeling better.

over the last 2 days i have been experiencing these sudden rushes of fear in my chest/stomach/throat which make me feel as if my heart has stopped beating and i feel sick and short of breath. this first happened on the train and after the first one i felt like i was going to die and couldnt breath... i had to get off at the next stop and try to calm down and had to wait nearly an hour for the next train! then it happened again, i was going to visit my nhs walk in centre when i arrived at my destination, but i couldnt because i felt too embarrassed and knew they would tell me off for being over the top and anxious. Every time i have symptoms and go to the dr i feel as if im wasting their time since thats the impression they give.

i've tried to calm down, and am still taking diazepam, but it doesnt really help me. i was on escitalopram, but that made me feel so much worse, so stopped that. i'm going to my dr on monday, but i dont know if i can survive over the weekend, because i keep having extreme rushes of fear :(

at uni and been under sooooo much stress this week, missed the deadline for an important essay and feel awful. keep having indegestion too, and feel the need to burp all the time.

i cant live like this, how will i ever manage to achieve my degree when im always feeling ill and cant concentrate on my work :(

i really think im going to die, because i forgot all about my heart the last 2 dweeks and was concentrating on my assignment. this suddenly started when on the train when i actually felt okay and not worried!! so i dont get it... i thought this was down to anxiety, but ive been calm recently. since this has started again i now feel really anxious, but strangely, my heart doesnt race, it remains slow, really slow, but how can this be? i feel i need it to race to prove that im having a panic attack, bacause i am panicking, just my heart doesnt race... so odd.... im scared it's going to become weaker and weaker and then stop!!!!!

has this happened to anyone else?????? my heart usually always races, but wont anymore!!!!!! and i havent had diazepam every day.

:( hate this soooo much!!!

11-12-10, 18:07
I am experiencing this the last few days. It has really worried me. The feeling usually starts around my diaphragm and then hoes through my chest up into my neck and sometimes into my head. And it makes me want to scream with fear sometimes. Does that sound familiar?

I have been making myself il over it as I was sure it was my heart.

But like you my heart rate stays the same and is beating normally rhythm.

11-12-10, 18:17
yeah, it's hard to describe the feeling, but it is terrifying, it makes me want to scream and dial 999!!! i am at my boyfriend's house at the moment, and i told him i keep experiencing it, but he thinks im being silly. i really want him to drive me to hospital and was begging him to about an hour ago, but he wouldn't... i was going crazy and crying. i can't cope, my heart feels weak and im so scared.

i cant stop thinking about it an im feeling really ill now. yeah, my heart rate seems normal, although i always think it's irregular so have to ask someone to check my pulse... they say it's fine. my dad has an irregular heartbeat and he has a really long pause, but he doesnt panic, the dr says it's okay and he's on medication... but he's older than me. i'm always seeking reassurance, so have to check other peoples pulse's all the time.

i really think this is going to ruin my christmas and i've never felt so terrible in my life.

i have periods where i constantly worry over my heart and my fingers are glued to my neck, checking my pulse... but then i'll feel okat for a week or so. i need to be on a regular medication, so hopefully can get something sorted on monday, but i can't take anything that will make me feel worse :(

i hope you feel better soon, :)

11-12-10, 18:45
I can understand how you feel as I feel much the same. I have a daughter and it's distressing me to think I could hsbc something wrong with me and that I'm going to spoil Christmas for everyone.

11-12-10, 23:05
it's so horrible, it's really affecting my life. i just want to enjoy going home and spending time with my family and not crying to my mum all the time about my fear of having a major heart problem... she doesn't really know what to do other than comfort and reassure me... i also ask her to check my pulse is regualr. afterwards i always feel rediculous as im nearly 23 and need to grow up. I really don't want to have any anxiety attacks this christmas, just want to relax and enjoy myself with my family and get back to my old self. I feel so under pressure to achieve this, so i'm not very hopeful that i'll be totally stress-free.

we really need to focus on the people and environment around us, instead of our body and noticing any slight change that occurs. easier said than done though!

11-12-10, 23:09
I can totally relate. I'm 30 and I have had my fear for a few years now. No end of tests later and I'm still frightened instead of getting on with my life.

My bodys coped with pregnancy etc so I should be able to rationalise but I can't.

Oh and I still go to my mum for reassurance too. You're never too old for your mums help.