View Full Version : heart worry

11-12-10, 18:30
help it's just done it again!!!!

i've been checking my pulse all day, had my hands glued to my neck and now my head, keeping track of my heart beat. it keeps stopping, it just stopped for about 3 seconds just then and a wave of fear shot through my whole body.

am i going to die? should i go to a and e?????? im so scared it stops and i cant breath when it does it.

11-12-10, 18:45
It happens to everyone, anxious or non anxious. Our pulses are never ever consistant. It's completely normal and the only reason you're noticing it is because you're obsessivly checking it, I used to do it too and no good comes from it trust me! The reason you can't breathe when it does stop is cuz you panic about it.

You're not going to die. x

11-12-10, 18:47
I think I would be right to say the horrible feeling afterwards you feel is adrenalin because you panic about the feeling?

11-12-10, 23:13
Yeah, i get so worried. i keep posting about the same things, but it's taking control of my life and i'm always so aware of my heart, too aware. im always afraid that im going to die and have convinced myself that i'm going to have a heart attack, i'm just waiting for that sudden stab of pain and not being able to breathe. i keep visualising it, so feel as if it could happen at any moment. i have chest pain right now on the left side of my chest. i suffer from really bad indigestion too, and since im a student my diet is pretty poor. just had pizza followed by toffee popcorn for tea, so no surprise i feel like this i guess... not exactly doing myself any favours! could anyone suggest any foods which will help reduce my indigestion?

11-12-10, 23:15
one other thing, i had a few drinks the other night, so maybe that's why im worse again? plus the increase in stress. i don't drink coffee but have about 2-3 tea's a day :)

11-12-10, 23:19
Yeah, i get so worried. i keep posting about the same things, but it's taking control of my life and i'm always so aware of my heart, too aware. im always afraid that im going to die and have convinced myself that i'm going to have a heart attack, i'm just waiting for that sudden stab of pain and not being able to breathe. i keep visualising it, so feel as if it could happen at any moment. i have chest pain right now on the left side of my chest. i suffer from really bad indigestion too, and since im a student my diet is pretty poor. just had pizza followed by toffee popcorn for tea, so no surprise i feel like this i guess... not exactly doing myself any favours! could anyone suggest any foods which will help reduce my indigestion?

OMG. That's exactly what I did lol. I'm living proof that it does get better in time. Took me nearly 9 months but I'm kind of doing it! BTW, I've been told heart pain isn't on the left side at all, it's central. But don't panic if you start to get central pain cuz that's exactly what happend to me after I found out lol. Just anxiety though, I've had months of central chest pain, palps, ectopics, just a general jumpy heart and I'm still alive!

I don't really know much about foods and what causes indegestion and what doesn't, but I'd say stuff low in fat/sugar? I'm sure someone more knowledgable than me will reply soon lol. Yea, alcohol makes anxiety 100 times worse! I've only just been able to start drinking again. xx

11-12-10, 23:40
lol, yeah if you didnt say that then i'd be straight to a&e if i had central chest pain!! its the fact that i havent had a ECG and i reallllly want one just to put my mind at rest - that and a 24 hour monitor! i think then i'd be able to relax - maybe for a month or so, or until the next problem/fear occurs!!! sometimes when im not checking for any skipped beats i get a weird, fluttery and sensation of fear in my tummy/chest/throat, so then i instantly check my pulse. i then become breathless due to the panic. I've always been a nervous person and experienced several panic attacks and anxiety episodes when i was in my teens, but that gradually subsided until I developed social anxiety about 2 years ago, which cause the anxiety to return!

6 months ago the indigestion began and it was awful, it initially started because i was worried about carbon monoxide poisoning.. me and my boyfriend went camping in wales, car exhaust broke, had 3 hour journey with the windows all the way down. anyway, i started researching the symptoms and then all of a sudden i had them!! but ever since then things have spiralled out of control!! is that bloody car exhaust didnt break then i dont think i'd be in this position, but thats life! ive always been a worrier anyway! lol. i'll speak to my GP about my diet and what foods to avoid. i really want to drink over christmas, i hate being surrounded by a load of merry family members and being the odd one out, ha. im sure i can have a little on christmas day! x

11-12-10, 23:47
I'm sure your GP would offer an ECG if you tell him you're extremely concerend. They do it in the doctors office where all the nurses that take your blood are so you wouldn't need to go to hospital for one. Indegestion/acid etc is common if you're anxious too, I never used to get acid reflux but I can't bloody shift it now!

You can still have a few drinks on christmas day, it doesn't have to be strictly no alcohol, I just chose it cuz I never kno when to stop with drinking so I'd always be hanging off the ceiling the next day! xx

11-12-10, 23:59
okay, i hope so... im going to the doctors on monday so i'll explain my fear concerning my heart.

i was drinking about 3 times a week between september and october, but i've since cut down and i don't drink large amounts at any time, so i can actually control myself and don't feel too bad the next day.

anyway, now that i've finally managed to calm down i'm going to try and get some shut eye.. oh how i love sundy's... a nice, long lie in awaits me :D take care, night xx

12-12-10, 00:10
dw your be fine i get like that and when i notice myself checking my pule and like F**k sake cuz i know i shouldnt be doing it, and tbh the way i look at it, if your still liveing your heart is still working =]