View Full Version : Ovulation question.. ladies please! Getting very worried now..

11-12-10, 18:44
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has had this before or can relate to this...

Iv had pain for the last 5 days now.. the pain is a dull, ache, twingy feeling in my lower abdomen on the left side.. i have also had backache and achy legs at the top.... the pain is exactly where my ovaries are so i put it down to ovulation when i first got it....

I spoke to the doctor after 3 days of it who said it seems like ovulation but she took a urine sample and said she'll test it - she also asked me to do a pregnancy test which came back as negative.

This pain has kept me up every night and i find it is worse during the night..

Im getting abit concerned now because i am now on day 5 of this! The pain is intermittant now and suddenly comes for about 10 minutes and then dies down again.. its like something is cramping inside and then releasing so the pain goes off...

Can ovulation pain last 5 days??? Does this sound normal?

Im so worried, iv googled and some horrible things have come up.. i just want answers but at the same time im scared to get answers!

This has really impacted the last 5 days, all iv wanted to do is lie with a hot water bottle but im meant to be out all day Monday and back at work Weds and I just want it to go away xx

11-12-10, 18:59
I sometimes get this, a while back i had it 3 months in a row, to the point i struggled to stand but since i have had no pain, my sis in law had the same prob evry month it turned it out she had some ovarian cysts, which are totally benign but can cause pain.
If it is on the left side it could also be constipation or ibs, both are common with anxiety, maybe if you are concerned see your doctor and see what she suggests,
Kate x