View Full Version : Guilt over feeling better - why?

11-12-10, 19:03
Hi everyone

Well I feel a bit stupid writing this but I know you are very understandable people and hopefully you can help.

Well I woke up this morning feeling good, I didnt feel an overwhelming feeling of dread like I normally do. Im assuming its because I had a good nights sleep & ive increased my meds.

Anyway, I got up and started thinking maybe there wasnt anything wrong with me, maybe id just been having a bad few days or had made it out to be worse than it was. Then I started feeling guilty that id wasted peoples time, & that I had been stupid getting meds & having time off work. I decided to test myself to see if I was right, by thinking about things that have made me anxious recently such as going shopping for xmas presents. So obviously then all my anxiety symptoms came back & I ended up feeling bad and hopeless again.

So my question is will I ever have a good day, accept its a good thing and just get on with it? How can I get that into my head? x

11-12-10, 19:44
sure we have all been here,,many a time ive got through the whole day without a symptom,,then it suddenly dawns on me,,and away it goes,,thing i do now is not question it,,if im having a good day i just enjoy it while it lasts.