View Full Version : High Anxiety :(

11-12-10, 19:44

Basically, I suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for years but a few months ago, I overcame panic attacks by doing CBT. Unfortunately, my anxiety came back a month or so back due to my grandma dying. Whenever my mother goes away on holiday my anxiety gets really bad and I get ill. I dunno why but it just does. She has gone to Germany for 1 week and my anxiety is really bad. I dunno what to do. It seems to be better if I'm away from home but obviously at weekend I can't. She comes back on Saturday but it is just annoying :(

any suggestions?

11-12-10, 19:58
Hi Natalier,

I know how you feel as I always get my panic attacks and anxiety back when I am left home alone as my parents travel away quite regularly, often for long periods. I can't rationlise why that happens as I am not worried being alone (I travel abroad alone all the time) and am happy in my own company, but as soon as they leave it works like a charm!

Occupying myself really helps me and I would strongly recommend it. ANYTHING AT ALL, like going out shopping, for a walk, playing games on the PC, TV, basically anything which distracts your mind from the anxiety, as whilst the mind is busy with other stuff, it isn't focusing on the rising anxiety you may be feeling and that in turn surpresses it I think. Do you also have any friends you could go for coffee with or invite 'round? That helps too.

Just keep telling yourself you will be fine and you can do this too hun. Lots of love.xxx:hugs:

11-12-10, 20:01
You say you overcame this before by using CBT methods. What methods did you use and have you tried them this time?

The reason you feel anxious right now is because you have no control of the situation. How can you take control of this situation?

11-12-10, 20:05
Thank you debs71. Yeah, I distracted myself today by working till 7 and got work till 2 tomoz. I will try and arrange something every day and still have uni next week so hopefully that will work!

And Emz, I use the whole 'it's fine to have a panic attack its just your body going through the flight and fight thing and nothing bad will happen, it never has and never will' this anxiety is not like a feeling its thoughts going round in head and then making me have a horrible feeling. so I have tried but the CBT stuff dosent seem to be working much. xxxx