View Full Version : Sudden Palp with Chest Pain 30 seconds after??

11-12-10, 20:06
Ok, so i am really worried now :(

Ive been doing so well so im trying to stick to that, but i cant shrug this off :( im getting the pain now :(

and stabby pains in left arm at the top :(

I had a sudden heart palp, that felt like about 4 bubbles popping in my chest, then about 30 seconds after i had a 'pressing' pain dead centre of my chest :(

Its not going away... im really scared.... its not really bad, its just achey like someone is pressing the centre of my chest :(

Ive had about 15 ECG's the past year, and i recently had an all-clear Echo heart scan, so would this be reassuring?????

im losing feeling in my left hand as i type :(

PLEASE HELP..... im so upset and scared :(

11-12-10, 20:16

Your okay, breath slowly, you've recently had tests done on your heart, its that bloody anxiety thats causing it. Try and relax is someone with you just now?

11-12-10, 20:18
R you ok?


11-12-10, 20:36
No1s with me :( just my 2 year old boy :(

11-12-10, 20:37
Do you still have pain etc?

11-12-10, 21:12
Please let me know your ok, i'm worried about you


11-12-10, 21:12
Ok, so i am really worried now :(

Ive had about 15 ECG's the past year, and i recently had an all-clear Echo heart scan, so would this be reassuring?????

I was speaking to my pal last night who suffers from raynauds & scleroderma - quite a nasty illness and she has an ECG every year to check for heart abnormalities that might develop. If one ecg is enough to convince her she's all good, then I suppose we should take some comfort from that eh :) It's more than likely a wee bit of heartburn with palps coming from your vagus nerve :) hope you're OK xxx

11-12-10, 21:24
Are you ok?

Try drinking something fizzy. Its probably just trapped wind as I get it in the centre of my chest etc but a fizzy drink clears it fairly quickly. Also like already said take some slow deep breaths and try to relax as you will be feeling more anxious because you are alone with your little boy.

Is there anyone you can phone who could pop round to be with you? If you are really worried about it though phone NHS Direct they will advise you but dont forget to tell them if you suffer from anxiety etc. They are so very nice too x x x x x

11-12-10, 21:32
Are you ok Hun?

It's because you're on your own with your little one. I get like that too. You super tune into everything because you're worried about something happening while your on your own.

Are you sure the popping bubble thing went just air popping? I have learnt that gas can actually feel a lot like a palp.

Let us know you're ok nut I'm sure you're fine x

11-12-10, 21:54
Does not sound like it had to be anything else, all those fit anxiety. I have had strange feelings in the arms during panic attacks.

Keep a support person available, by phone, so if you cant take care of the kid, there is soemone you can call.

13-12-10, 16:29
How are you feeling now? What happened? Have been wondering how you are.

13-12-10, 17:05
How are ya now Hayz? x

13-12-10, 18:18
Im ok, keep getting the strong ahcey pangs dead centre of chest, had them loads today, no palps tho.. been feeling very off-balance all day today and very weird, like my head is filled with fog or water n is guna burst, not painful just feels weird... i keep getting these weird rushes all over me that come out of nowhere and they r so scary. i get these and obv get the chest pangs aswell which just worries me :( ive had a recent echo tho i dont think ive got a heart probl;em but keep worrying im guna suddenly have heart attack like out of nowhere coz oif these hprrible pangs... im scared stiff still tho :(

13-12-10, 18:41
Ok, so i am really worried now :(

Ive been doing so well so im trying to stick to that, but i cant shrug this off :( im getting the pain now :(

and stabby pains in left arm at the top :(

I had a sudden heart palp, that felt like about 4 bubbles popping in my chest, then about 30 seconds after i had a 'pressing' pain dead centre of my chest :(

Its not going away... im really scared.... its not really bad, its just achey like someone is pressing the centre of my chest :(

Ive had about 15 ECG's the past year, and i recently had an all-clear Echo heart scan, so would this be reassuring?????

im losing feeling in my left hand as i type :(

PLEASE HELP..... im so upset and scared :(

just try to relax, i know its easier said than done try to distract yourself if possible it is hell, it can get easier. are you on any meds?

13-12-10, 19:26
Why don't you pop to your dr and explain to him?

I'm pretty sure the weird feelings are adrenalin though and fear.

13-12-10, 20:05
yeah i reckon so, as its noit a constant thing.. i kinda believe that IF I HAD sumin up it wudnt just keep going away would it... i keep thinking the same about my neurological symptoms... but they r getting much more frequent as time is going by though...so my fear is still there... i dont think i have MND anymore, but MS or some serious brain disorder is still worrying me... i need to go bk to my docs and ask for more blood tests but i just got no get-up-and-go atm.. :(

13-12-10, 20:58
These funny feelings you get, what do they feel like and where do they start in your body?

13-12-10, 22:52
the rushes start in my head, then can spread down to my feet, they affect my vision and make me feel instantly tired, they always induce a panic attack.. i get alot of strange neurological kind of symptoms... i will put up a thread of all my symptoms and u can see then, as ive been writing down all my symptoms tonight as im guna try n get my neurology appt brought forward so i can take this list to the doc and tell him how im seriously not coping.

14-12-10, 15:31
I get rushes too, had 1 today infact, Went from my chest/stomach to my head. Felt proper faint but it's just adrenaline.

You're heart is fine. Your ECHO and 15 ECG's say so. So your heart may skip and jump but let it, because there is nothing to worry about. Your heart is healthy. And you know it too, don't let the little niggling doubt drag you down. You know you are fine :)


24-12-10, 08:43
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.