View Full Version : I'm scared of dying, I worry all the time!?

11-12-10, 22:25

Ever since being bullied at high school and lost all my friends i've left high school and i'm doing nothing all day which means i'm not getting exercise which is bad for my health and i'm also worrying quite alot, theres always something wrong with me and i'm worried i'm dying...though i actually do feel these things and atm i've caught a cold i've been coughing alot and i've been having an ache in my right leg and right arm thats really sore...i'm really worried and my neck has also been sore for the last few days :unsure:
its scaring me,i'm a teenager and i don't know if its part of my anxiety or if theres something serious...my mum won't take me to the doctor because she thinks nothing is wrong with me and its just me worrying :shrug: :weep:
help? i want to live long!

11-12-10, 22:33
You sound a lot like me! I stopped going out a lot when I got my anxiety and I didn't exercise cuz I was too scared to. I'm getting a lot better now and so will you!

Your arm and leg are aching because they're not being used, my legs used to hurt terribly when I wasn't exercising. Sounds like a mixture of tension too and maybe just sitting wrong for a long amount of time! You should go to the doctor so he can tell you there's not anything wrong and maybe offer you help for your anxiety.

If you want to get more exercise but don't feel ready to go out the house yet have you got a Wii or a Kinect? If not you can buy exercise DVDs that are a good workout too! You can get a really good workout and not even have to leave your bedroom if you don't want to. They're pretty cheap too, I bought one of my exercise DVDs for about a tenner years ago! :) xx

11-12-10, 22:38
You sound a lot like me! I stopped going out a lot when I got my anxiety and I didn't exercise cuz I was too scared to. I'm getting a lot better now and so will you!

Your arm and leg are aching because they're not being used, my legs used to hurt terribly when I wasn't exercising. Sounds like a mixture of tension too and maybe just sitting wrong for a long amount of time! You should go to the doctor so he can tell you there's not anything wrong and maybe offer you help for your anxiety.

If you want to get more exercise but don't feel ready to go out the house yet have you got a Wii or a Kinect? If not you can buy exercise DVDs that are a good workout too! You can get a really good workout and not even have to leave your bedroom if you don't want to. They're pretty cheap too, I bought one of my exercise DVDs for about a tenner years ago! :) xx

Hey :)

Thank you for answering.

I have a wii though the last time i probably used it was months and months ago, i'll need to start using it again,its just the motivation! :weep: i love dancing too but i never do it :wacko:

:yesyes: :hugs:

11-12-10, 22:42
Oo! You can play Just Dance 1 or 2 on the Wii then! Great exercise and really fun, you'll probaby really enjoy yourself. :) With the motivation, just start off slow, maybe 10 mins 3 times a week? And think of it as playing a game not exercising, you probs won't even realise! You don't have to do it every day hun. Exercise releases endorphins too which is a feel good hormone so it really cheers you up too!

You won't feel like this forever :hugs: xx

11-12-10, 22:45
Hey we can help you. I worried about many things many times. I had headaches when I was a late teen. I worried aboout the headaches. It was 40 years ago. I still have headaches.

Talk to the mom and tell her you need some help, even if mom can't help. There are difficult years, in many cases in the 15-25 range. You have to get over them somehow. Have some fun, find a nerdy person to have fun with!

There. Did that help? Us guys have all kinds of ideas for help. Sorry, you can't cry on MY shoulder, you need that nerdy guy.

11-12-10, 23:27
Thanks :) this sounds like a great forum hopefully there will be more replies! :D

11-12-10, 23:44
Sore muscles are one of the very commonest reactions experienced by anxiety sufferers. You're tense, and your muscles are telling you they don't like it :P There is a great set of posts here about the common symtoms of anxiety and what causes them. I found them of *incredible* help when my anxiety was at it's height and I was suffering with all kinds of stress-induced symptoms.

My best advice would be to tell your doctor that you suffer with this anxiety. They will immediately take your more seriously because *you* have recognised this for yourself, and tell them you want help to get rid of or control it.

I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that means I am prone to anxiety (although it didn't hit me until my thirties). I'm on medication now and while I'm not 'cured' I do control it and live a good life.

You can live a long life AND a good one.

Oh another thing, when you're on the internet learn to search only for things that will help. Never, NEVER google symptoms, but find forums to get your answers. Avoid news stories regarding illness or NHS blah blah. The media know what sells and bad news sells fastest--now matter how rare or obscure, or using blatantly skewed facts and figures. They love to feed on our fears and embellishing things way, way, way beyond the facts.

God bless and take care!

12-12-10, 09:19
Sore muscles are one of the very commonest reactions experienced by anxiety sufferers. You're tense, and your muscles are telling you they don't like it :P There is a great set of posts here about the common symtoms of anxiety and what causes them. I found them of *incredible* help when my anxiety was at it's height and I was suffering with all kinds of stress-induced symptoms.

My best advice would be to tell your doctor that you suffer with this anxiety. They will immediately take your more seriously because *you* have recognised this for yourself, and tell them you want help to get rid of or control it.

I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that means I am prone to anxiety (although it didn't hit me until my thirties). I'm on medication now and while I'm not 'cured' I do control it and live a good life.

You can live a long life AND a good one.

Oh another thing, when you're on the internet learn to search only for things that will help. Never, NEVER google symptoms, but find forums to get your answers. Avoid news stories regarding illness or NHS blah blah. The media know what sells and bad news sells fastest--now matter how rare or obscure, or using blatantly skewed facts and figures. They love to feed on our fears and embellishing things way, way, way beyond the facts.

God bless and take care!
Hey :)

Thank you.

I hate sa and depression,hope to beat it :yahoo:

This forum is very helpful :yesyes: