View Full Version : Would You Really Know?

12-12-10, 02:00
Lately I have been feeling like it takes a lot of breathing to feel like im breathing ok.It seems I have to force air in my lungs..Im thinking its anxiety and even posted on here about it.

I felt a little better but today I got up and it felt like my lungs were heavy and it was hard to breathe. I thought its probably anxiety so we got up and got out for awhile. While I was out I started feeling a little better but when we came home I started feeling like I had labored breathing again.

Im not really coughing and I don't have a wheeze or anything and even checked my pulse and at rest its never over about 76 .Most of the time its about 69 .. My lungs feel tight and strained but im not dizzy or light headed.. just feels hard to breathe.

My question is.. If you were really having trouble breathing wouldn't you wheeze or have a cough or be light headed or have a fast pulse?

I am pretty sure its anxiety but would you know for sure its not really trouble breathing but just anxiety.. I sure hope so this is really bothering me.The humidity has been really high here and we moved here from a high altitude and dry climate ,we aren't used to it anymore. I just was wondering if this could affect me too making me think im having trouble breathing.

If anyone could advise me I would really appreciate it . .Michael

12-12-10, 02:22
Well, you must be breathing when you sleep with no special effort.

12-12-10, 21:31
Please someone else?

13-12-10, 00:01
I would have thought that high humidity would have an effect, even if it's only a psychological one, as there is more water vapour in the wair, which we would be aware of. I'm only guessing here, but "real" breathing difficulties would cause other symptoms as well? Maybe if RLR is around he can help out with this one?