View Full Version : What Is This?

12-12-10, 03:47
I was laying down like I usually do.. on my left side. I had my head propped up with my hand on the back of my head just beyond and even with the ear.

I moved just a little bit and felt something like lightheadedness. It was like the blood rushing back into my head for a second. It scared me. There are arteries that run back on either side of the head on both sides and I wonder if there is an aneurysm there and I pressed on it..or if I just had my hand on it and then released the blood.

Now im really worried and don't know what to think.Sometimes when I lay down flat and turn my head in that direction I get a little lightheaded..I hope this isn't anything bad. Anyone else have this happen too?

12-12-10, 21:30
Anybody please?

12-12-10, 21:42
i get all kinds of odd head feelings. Sometimes a whole area of my head (scalp ) goes to sleep and is all tingly, lots of head rush feelings and sometimes an incredible feeling of dropping ( like an elevator) Sometimes i think i am having a stroke, but nothing has ever happeved, so i have taken that off my worry list! Sounds like you had your hand there and when you moved you allowed the blood to flow.I do not know alot about aneurisms ... but i thought it was like a very sudden intense pain. I truly doubt you have one.