View Full Version : Penicillin

12-12-10, 08:14
Hi. I have been taking penicilin for the last five days. I know I alergic to penicillin capsules well go I thot bu I feel terible could it b the penicillin I feel really nauseus and my throat is core ? X

12-12-10, 11:36
Sorry i could not understand your post - are you saying that you are allergic to penicillin or that your worried you are allergic to it????
If you were allergic to it then you would have a very nasty rash and alot of swelling of your face etc.
Feeling sick and upset bowels are just a common side effect of any antibiotic
Hope this info helps

12-12-10, 11:42
Having trouble understanding too.

I am allergic to penicillin and am no allowed to take it due to this - I get v itchy.

Like counrtygirl said upset tummy is a very common side effect of taking antibiotics.

Hope you feel better soon.xxx

12-12-10, 13:24
Yes i am worried i foned nhs 24 ani have to go out of hrs surgery today at 3.15? Im alergic to penicillin tablets but this was the liquid form? I feel absoluley terrible dizzy neck feels like its swelling up ?and im shaking and trembling my mouth is all dry too and sore throat ? X

12-12-10, 13:33
Let us know what the doc says x

12-12-10, 13:46
ok will do ?

12-12-10, 13:55
Why are you taking penicillin if you are allergic to it, i wouldnt think that the form it comes in makes any difference. I cant take any type of it.
I expect you are panicking a bit and this is why you are getting lots of symptoms, the doc probably just wants to change the medication.

12-12-10, 14:29
hi thanks for reply i hope so yes i am panicking a bit be glad when i get to docs ?

12-12-10, 15:33
im not classicly alergic ,,but certain types make me very ill,,on one lot in hospital,,i lost nearly a stone in under a week,,yet for some odd reason .known only to my tummy im fine on amoxicillian,,its all very odd,,im on antibiotics now and feel fine

12-12-10, 16:37
I think there are different types and combinations of penicillin. When my daughter was very ill a couple of years ago she had to have antibiotics administered daily for three months through an intravenous line, now she is allergic to penicillin and when the hospital were discussing the medication they said it does contain penicillin but it won’t affect her. I did question this but they said very complicated but in the form she was having it it would be OK – and it was. She still cant have the liquid stuff from the docs though.