View Full Version : Is cbt about to break my marriage

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12-12-10, 09:50
Hi all,
Ihope you all doing well and recovering. I have just joined this forum, I have come through it in the past along many others but I was far too anxious to write or even focus on what I have to say.
Well, where do I start!!! I am a young male in my early 30's and my life is catalogues of sad and unpleasant incidents. I have been suffering from severe depression, anxiety and eventually panic attacks. It has not been diagnosed unti llate. I always thought it is normal my normal life and Ishould carry on. Until I started having the panic attacks where they left me completely powerless.

I suffered sexual and physical abuse while I was achild, I left home to go abroad at the age of 17, I run away from the country where I went to again because family members also were there, I roomed the world looking for hiding and refuge from what I had suffered.
Shallowly thinking the issue might disappear when I change places and see new faces!!! It took 12 years of my life to understand that I should not run anymore but Ishould face the problems and resolve them.
I was refereed to the Early intervention team in the local psychiatry and hospitalization was all most necessary but supervision was more properate as the phyciatrist advised. Then I was refereed to the local CBT service. I had 21 sessions so far. Does it work? yes it does. I have come long way from where I was now I have a job, I am studying the subject I always admired, I have sorted my friends out and now I am faced with a very big decision which I urgently seek advice on from the readers. During my illness and unpropare behaviour I was desperately seeking love in any way shape orform. I used to do anything for people so they stay friend with me, giving up my personal affairs to resolve theirs, leaving work and resolve thei rproblems. This extreme behaviour was caused by lock of attention and love in my childhood and also due to the hatred Iwas always facing when Iwas a little boy. As partof all this dilemma Idecided to get married (arranged marriage) ofcourse again that’s was another attempt to seek affection and love.

I phoned my mother and she had found me a girl and went home and got married. A year later my cbt treatment was showing result and now I am left with the fact that my marriage was part of the illness and that I have made the wrong decision. I only did it because I was scared to be alone. I am really down and don’t know what to do. Should I follow my head and make a decision to leave my partner and this decision is part of my life changes or should I follow my heart who says she had nothing to do with it and I should not hurt her!!! If I do not make that decision then the jigsaw to complete my treatment I feel is uncompleted and if I take it it's going to hurt someone. Where do I go from here please advice me.


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12-12-10, 09:52

12-12-10, 11:18
During my illness and unpropare behaviour I was desperately seeking love in anyway shape or form. I used to do anything for people so they stay friend with me, giving up my personal affairs to resolve theirs, leaving work and resolve their problems. This extreme behaviour was caused by lock of attention and love in my childhood

That sounds very familiar :blush:

Only you can answer your question really, I would advise that there is no hurry to make that decision. Take your time and be sure before you do anything you can't undo.

Sounds like you have quite a good understanding of your problems and that can only be a good thing in recovering.


P.S. The spacebar is the long one at the bottom of the keyboard :D

12-12-10, 11:32
P.S. The spacebar is the long one at the bottom of the keyboard :D

well done for reading it Chris, i did give it a go but i gave up after 2 lines.

12-12-10, 12:28
Don't rush into making any decisions ............ you will know when the time is right what to do.
I stayed in a marriage I shouldn't have for too long because I was scared of being lonely. I eventually divorced him this year after 30 years of marriage and I know I have made the right decision for me.
Give yourself some time to think about it and then do what is right for you. It's not nice hurting other people but at the end of the day sometimes you have to do what is best for you. Nobody deserves to be unhappy for the rest of their lives.

Good luck xx

12-12-10, 17:28
I understood that a lot of arranged marriages were very successful.... in fact more so than the usual type!! As others say, don't rush into decisions....... how does your wife feel about the situation? Do you care for this lady at all? Could you grow to care for her? A lot of things to consider really.

closure not retrbuit
12-12-10, 19:25
Thanks for your eplies and i am really sorry for not having space between words lol chris. Waht is making me hold my horses is that I do not want to put anyone in pain and nor i want to be in pain the CBT sessions are really making me better and they made take many decisiona in my life to move forward. I have pespond having children of course as it is not right at the moment. but caz to wait for years on this after waiting for years to resolve my issues is bet harsh for me dont you think. I have been batteling with child sexual abuse issue since i was 5 and now i am 31. I feel i got my life back and now i can live it in full and as i like but this only this is stopping in my way. I thikn i am going to give it few months and see how it goes. My wife is in a different world completly she thinks i make things up sometimes and other times she thinks my problems are not because of any other issue but her in my life. Has anyone passed this stage before? I am worried about me being lonely I am worried about her being hurt and lonely. So, I do care of course but do i care to the point that i make myself unhappy for the rest of my life or pespone my happniess?!!

12-12-10, 22:31
I really do understand exactly what you mean. I got divorced in the past and it really is hard hurting someone you care about when you feel your motive is in effect a selfish desire for your own happiness.

On the other hand, you don't want to end a relationship based on emotions and feelings when you are unwell as they may not be true emotions or feelings. The big catch being as you say is that you don't know whether the relationship is bad because you are unwell or whether it is the bad relationship that is contributing to your illness.

It's really really difficult, I think waiting a few months is a really good idea. It's not much time in the grand scheme of things and taking your time to make sure you make the right decision and don't cause uneccessary hurt is a good thing.


closure not retrbuit
13-12-10, 18:22
I have alterd the post so it can be read now

13-12-10, 18:24
I have alterd the post so it can be read now

Thanks :yesyes:

Hope you're doing OK.
