View Full Version : blood test/cold

12-12-10, 11:39

I am currently led in bed with a really bad cold. I had a blood test weds just gone as I went to docs with a very small lymph node that was worrying me near my collarbone - 2 docs checked it andsaid it was fine - its less than 0.5cms in size.

Anyway after the 2nd doc checked it I am beginning to believe it is ok but now I am worrying that my blood tests results are going to come back bad:weep: and that I will be called in to see the doc.

Can having a cold/virus have an effect on blood test results?

Thank you

12-12-10, 18:44

12-12-10, 19:01
hi mogwog i think infection can show up in blood test but im not sure i should have gone for my annual blood test in september but keeep puttin it off in case the doctor was to call me back for anything because i know im going to be anxious when i have them took i have them because im on meds for high bp so they have to keep an eye on my liver function and im boarderline diabetic so they will be checking that and my cholesterol because im on meds for that so im always anxious when im waitin for them to come back its horrible isnt it x hope you feel better soon x

12-12-10, 19:31

I am going to ring up and see if they are back tomorrow.

Anyone had a full blood count when they've had a cold/virus?


12-12-10, 22:06
i have about 6 nodes up in my groin and about 4 in neck..one bigger than all the others... theyve been there for almost 3 months now... i was worried about lymphoma cancer but ive had full blood count and loadsa docs tell me it WOULD show up in bloods if it was cancer so im not really worried now. they havent got bigger, but theyve got bit harder which concerns me, but im trying to trust the doctors on this.

I think u should try n do the same, i had cold when i had my full blood count and a throat infection and it was normal but my mum had full blood count when she had a cold and it was slightly off on the white blood cell count. she gotta re check-up coz of her asthma and her levels r back to normal now. so its diferent for everyoine.

try not to worry x

13-12-10, 13:25
Yes I had a blood test while I had a cold for full blood count as I had had three colds in quick sucession. The blood test that probably would be altered in the ESR test which shows if you are fighting an infection. You can get minor changes to certain blood cells in the full blood count but the take into account you have a cold which means the results are normal so if your Dr says your ????? cell count for example was a bit high or low and you say oh I got a cold two days after you did the test they say oh fine. If you have anything serious like say blood cancer then it shows up as massively wrong results. My neightbour went to hospital with chest pain and he was in middle 60's and as matter of course they did routine bloods- they ruled out a heart attack but the bloods came back seriously wrong and he was tranferred to a ward and had alot of further testing and he had leukemia but the routine full blood count alerted them to the fact that he had something very suspicious going on that needed further tests.

13-12-10, 13:34
Thank you

I cant work out what's the matter with me and why I am getting myself into a panic about the results. I think its because I have just started to believe my gland is ok and don't want to go into that spiral of panic again.

I have to phone up after 3pm today - its silly - i'm getting all tearful about it.
I just can't cope with anything else to be honest, the ongoing health problems my son is having is enough at the mo.

Thanks again.xxxx

13-12-10, 13:36
If there was anything wrong with your blood tests they would have called you by now if you had them done last Wednesday. I'm sure they will be just fine:)

13-12-10, 13:58
Thanks everyone

I'll let you know the results when I ring up later


13-12-10, 15:14
Just rang and they are not back yet. Have to try again tomorrow.


paula lynne
13-12-10, 16:39
Aww I hate it when that happens! Another night of worry, please rest up and have a nice bath and watch a movie or read? Hope you are getting over that flu virus thing, lots about at the moment x Good luck tomorrow x

13-12-10, 17:04
I know - really grumpy now and for some stupid reason am starting to check my blinking collarbone again and now can feel a raised bit on the same side as the node:weep: can't feel it on the other side. Trying to tell myself its because I keep poking and prodding have made it swell as it doesn't feel like a node its not defined just feels like raised tissue f that makes sense.

I have got to STOP - what is wrong with me

paula lynne
13-12-10, 17:11
I bet all that poking and prodding has definately made it swell! Keep your hands off it Mrs! Youve got to get through tonight ok, keep busy, especially keep your prodding fingers busy x
I know you are at your wits end, but you havent long to wait now, by this time tomorrow all the waiting will be over. Sending you massive hugs from Wales, x:bighug1:

13-12-10, 17:14
Mogwog having worked at a Drs I know that if there was anything seriously wrong with your bloods then the hospital contact your GP as soon as they have results and your GP then contacts you - it all usually happens same day and most blood tests are done within 24 hrs of reaching hospital lab so you can be assured nothing drastic has shown up.

Remember what that lovely lady GP you saw last week said to you about your glands you were feeling so much better about it straight after you had seen her/

Stop poking:winks: When I had the swollen gland for about 5 yrs following chicken pox at back of my head if I so much as prodded about just to see if it was still there even though it didn't hurt it would straight away get alot bigger and ache- they hate being prodded.

13-12-10, 17:30
Thanks guys, I know I need to stop. I was feeling better, now feel back to square one again. Its so difficult though - one min I think, yep i'm ok, the next I am scared that I have something terminal and will leave my son without a mummy (he is disabled) so I worry about this.

Thanks for trying to help me.


14-12-10, 18:48
Well I have had a really bad day, I woke up in a panic over this new lump I can feel in collarbone as well as the small gland. I took my son to school then phoned my hubbie and broke down completely telling him I think i have a terminal illness. He was very sympathetic and helpful and told me I would be ok but that he couldnt do anything for me at the mo as he couldnt get out of work, so I phoned my mum and she left work to come over and sit with me - I was hysterical. She has stayed with me all day blees her.
I have been to the docs agin and got my blood test reuslts which are fine an have got her to fell this "lumpy"bit in collarbone near my small gland I was worried about. She felt it and said there is definately something there but it could be swollen tissue. She was v kind and sympathetic but said she cant refer me for a scan or anything as it hasn't been there for 6 weeks - she wants to "watch and wait" and will keep checking it for me. I have an appt to see her again next week and she has prescribed fluxotine.

I am in a bad place right now and I thought I was doing so well.


24-12-10, 08:45
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.