View Full Version : So highly strung ... I'm close to the edge

eternally optimistic
12-12-10, 17:28
God, where do I start.

The last 2/3 weeks I have been getting more and more uptight about handling life.

Both at home and at work, work is usually somewhere I manage to keep it all together but I know I'm not.

I feel like a M A S S I V E fall is around the corner. Thankfully, I managed to find some citalopram, 20mg, in the cupboard so have started back on them today.....

I feel so very very ridiculous not being able to cope and I cant.

I'm not having panic attacks, yet, all over the place, dont suppose I ever have in that sense, but I am physically broken, I just want to sleep and switch off from the whole bloody world.

Everything is hard, working, running a home, making sure everyone at home is alright!!! I just dont want the responsibility of everyone else, it makes me exhausted.

I had to take to my bed earlier because I just felt so unable to go on.
I had this symptom before I went on citalopram for many many years, probably in excess of 10, but thought it was just tiredness.

I would like nothing more than to go to bed and stay there.....

I suppose if I am honest, I am terrified I am losing the plot and that I will have to show my true colours at not coping...

12-12-10, 18:06
Generalized anxiety disorder? Was that what they were prescribed for last time?


12-12-10, 18:09
Hi Jackie,

Sounds like you're having a hard time and also being quite hard on yourself for feeling how your feeling.

Maybe try accepting that things are hard at the moment and that's OK, you just need to be gentle with yourself? :hugs:


eternally optimistic
12-12-10, 18:49
Your right, Chris.

I need to wrap myself up in a large blanket for some considerable time LOL

Unfortunately, life doesnt always allow you to do that, not so LOL.

Thank you both for your replies.