View Full Version : help me

12-12-10, 17:44
Hello im new to this site but have read a few things that have given me hope ive recently been diagnoised with servere anxiety having panic attacks its horrible , ive been given 20mg of citalopram i am on day 11 the side effects have been horrific ,ive been feeling a pressure in my head ,nose and the roof of my mouth its frightening me i dont no if its a sign of anxiety or a side affect ?

12-12-10, 17:45
Hi aba77

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-12-10, 17:58
Hi Aba,

It's not a side effect I've had, but they commonly vary from person to person. Day 11 probably puts you well into the second week of the Citalopram which seems to be the worst and certainly was for me.

The good news is you're almost through the worst bit and the side effects usually pass quite quickly, so hang on in there. :D


12-12-10, 18:00
Hi Aba

:welcome: AD usually make you feel worse at the start, Chris is right it will start to get better. Take care x

12-12-10, 18:03
Hi Aba77,

Welcome...and sorry you are feeling so rough right now. Lots of us can relate big time.

When you first start the meds the side effects are pretty horrible and you feel worse before you feel better, but YOU WILL feel better, honestly.

The things you are suffering sound like they are probably driven by your heightened anxiety - feeling pressure like symptoms - rather than the med itself causing them, where the side effects tend to be more psychological - feeling of dread, irritablity, on edge, spaced out etc. - and the most common physical side effects in my experience at least are nausea, lack of appetite, headaches (from the increased serotonin) and sleepiness.

Please, please believe that this will pass and it is just an initial glitch to overcome. This site is great for support so anytime you are struggling, just drop in.

Take care.xx:hugs:

12-12-10, 18:08
Thanks somuch everyone i have two small children and i am spending most of my days worried out of my head good to no there is people who understand didnt think i could take much more xx

Vanilla Sky
12-12-10, 22:52
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
12-12-10, 23:46
Hiya, welcome aboard. Keep going, it will get better. x:welcome:

13-12-10, 00:34
A puzzling symptom. Keep an eye on it but do not worry too much. Take care.

13-12-10, 11:46
Hi aba, welcome to the forum.:)

13-12-10, 11:54
A puzzling symptom. Keep an eye on it but do not worry too much. Take care.

It's not a puzzling symptom Tero as I had that too when I was on the same tablets for a short time :winks:

Take care Aba77 and hope you start to feel better soon xx

13-12-10, 12:00

13-12-10, 17:59
Thank every one for your feedback thanks Dizz it's reassuring when somebody else has had the same symptoms x