View Full Version : Will this cure my problems??

12-12-10, 19:04
This may sound slightly weird, but does anyone think that hypnosis would help get over anxiety? Like people have it to give up smoking, would it be any use to get inside our heads and stop the initial thoughts in our subconscious that we all have which set us on the road to being anxious.

12-12-10, 19:08
I have no idea as I have no experience of this but best of luck if you decide this is whta you want to do


12-12-10, 19:09
I have no idea if it works, but this fellow claims to be a hypnotherapist

I ordered their CD. Could not hurt.

12-12-10, 20:03
Hypnosis works by giving your subconscious positively worded suggestions whilst you are in a state of deep relaxation (a phase or state of mind whereby your subconscious is more easily accessable). Basically, it is used to 'reprogramme' the part of the mind to a beneficial effect in as much as it can help us to feel more confident to do the things we can't do but want to do, and also to stop doing the things we don't want to do!

From the anxiety point of view, it can be very beneficial as far as helping us to relax is concerned. However, most anxiety is due to a cause, maybe a deep rooted problem from years ago or something that happened to us that we found unpleasant or unnerving. The cause is not always directly linked to the symptom! That is to say that if someone has a phobia of lifts, it doesn't always mean that they were trapped in one at some stage previously! Consequently, a fear of flying can usually be explained as claustrophobia rather than a fear of being in an aircraft. In both cases there is a claustrophobic element being as the sufferer is trapped in both for a certain amount of time.

It is the 'analysis' of the cause that is discovered during hypnosis where the beneficial effect is helpfull in the 'ease' of the sufferers anxiety. This is not normally obtained by just one or two sessions but can sometimes take a matter of weeks or even months depending on the severity of the anxiety and also more importantly, the sufferers determination to get well again (as sessions can become expensive and there may be some weeks before the sufferer sees any beneficial effect, therefore leading them to believe that it's not working)!

Anxiety cannot be cured just by a therapist giving the patient positively worded suggestions that 'they will not be anxious anymore' for one or two visits. They may find that their initial problem of one symptom of anxiety has dispersed, only to be replaced by another symptom (know as symptom substitution) in a couple of weeks time, because the undelying cause is still buried in the subconscious.

It can definately be done and is very very beneficial, providing you find a good therapist who is trained in Psychology and you can afford it.

It is very easy to find a Hypnotherapist who is willing to offer help, but it is much harder to find one who has a background of Psychology and who really does 'know their stuff.'

Beware of CDs and DVDs claiming to 'cure' you. All these will do is help you to relax and perhaps feel more confident about yourself. These will NOT find the actual cause and /or root of the problem and as I say will only result in another symptom replacing the old one/s.

Sadly alot of so called 'therapists' have not even heard of Symptom Substitution, hence their lack of Psychology knowledge and traning!

Hope this is of some help.

Good luck.


12-12-10, 20:36
They say it only works when you believe in it. So it's up to you whether you want it to work or not.

12-12-10, 20:58
Hi if you think it could help theirs nothing to lose end off the day. Have you also thought of CBT it changes the way you think.

13-12-10, 13:32
I am having hypnosis at the moment to try and help my lifetime of severe HA. I have had two sessions and expect to have around 6 in total. I am not expecting a cure but as I have tried everything else with no success it was worth spending about £300 in total for a chance it will help. I did lot of research on internet to find a therapist that was very quailified and specialised in anxiety and have to travel hour and half to get to him.

Up to now I can say that for a few days afterwards I feel much happier and less worried but will still panic about symptoms after that although my husband says I am now realising that I am panicking much quicker that I was before.

One session will do no good you need up to 6 but no more as if you are not any better after 6 its not working.