View Full Version : need some advice please...

12-12-10, 21:28
Ive been burping several times during the day, My burping has been accompanied by a burning full sensation in my chest, numbness in my left arm, tingling in my hand and a dull ache in the left middle of my back, I have been suffering with skipped beats, tight chest and chest fluttering through the day for nearly 2 months now.

Ive seen my Dr and he reffered me to a cardiolagist who just listened to my heart and said i was fine, How can he know that just by listening through a stephiscope.

Ive had 3 ecg's that have come back normal (I havent had a skipped beat or flutter during).

I feel fatigued, breathlessness and depressed, It is getting to the stage that everytime i get any feelings in my chest i think thats it for me..

Im not sure how long i can go through this.

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong with me from my symptoms.

12-12-10, 21:48
my mother had those symptoms and turned out to be her gallbladder! Sounds exactly the same. She had it removed and is now perfect!

12-12-10, 22:05
Thanks i'll look into that.

Ive had blood tests done which have come back fine, Would these have picked up a gallbladder problem?