View Full Version : all the signs of heart problems

12-12-10, 21:59
I'm getting chest pain pretty much 24/7. Had an ECG from the doctor a month ago which was given the all clear, and full blood count etc - all normal. She said it was just sore muscles.

Then it got a lot worse the other night - and so I went to A&E - they said it was severe heartburn after yet another ECG and a chest x ray. Had a follow up with GP the next day (friday - so only 2 nights ago) who's put me on omeprazole and she also thinks I have costalchondiritis.

Have been avoiding all food she told me to - but still in pain unless I take gaviscon every time I eat. Omeprazole is doing nothing other than slowing my disgestive system right down and giving me constipation.

I've got a very sore throat and keep burping too..

The pain sometimes is like a dull ache like somone is pressing on my chest, other times its like someone is squeezing the centre of my chest really hard. it gets worse when exercising, lying down and carrying heavy things, climbing stairs and breathing deeply.. It hurts in my back too and my left arm hurts too, my fingers feel weak and tingly on my left side - the other night one went into spasm and kept randomly twitching. I'm getting cramps in my feet too at night time.. I get dizzy too and feel like someone is pushing me forward.

I'm also getting palps which worsen on lying down, slouching,and during exercise - and sometimes my heart will go really fast for no reason at all.

I'm really fed up - my life has become a constant stream of doctors, hospitals, NHS direct phone calls, and tests - I have lost all interest in everything else. I'm so scared I have something serious going on, like LOng QT syndrome or something :(

if you've made it to the end of this rubbish, then thanks,.. I haven't a clue what to do and everyone is so angry at me for going to A&E the other night (even though NHS ditrect told me to) so i don't know what to do anymore :shrug:

12-12-10, 22:12
Don't worry about the people who are 'angry' at you for going to A and E. I'm sure if they were in the same situation they would! Unfortunately, the 2nd biggest problem with Anxiety is having to cope with the friends and family who don't understand it enough to realise how serious it is!

I suffer a stream of chest pains and acid burn. I'm on Omeprazole and have been for about 5 months now but I'm thinking it's not doing the job very well. It can also give more wind and therefore make even more pain. My attendance record at A and E is also impressive for this year but always leave after blood tests and xrays etc., after a couple of hours being given Omep/Buscopan and painkillers.

Perhaps you are dwelling on it and therefore encouraging it! Sounds daft I know but I virtually wake up every morning and wait for my stomach to start and sure enough it normally does.

Charcoal tabs are good for acid as they absorb it, but better discuss it with the doc if you're on other meds as it can absorb some of them and consequently make them less effective.

12-12-10, 22:20
Yeah I am pondering over giving her a phone tommorow as it is - I'm needing to take antibiotics for a cyst as well and have got no clue how to take them together - the packet says one will cancel out the effects of the other.. I'm also slightly baffled as doctor said I shouldn't need gaviscon any more but I'm still relying on it. I do agree with what you are saying and have discovered that my "chest pain" has been vanishing and then comes back when I remember that it's meant to be sore! Ah well, such is life. Apparently I'm "not to go to A&E again or phone nhs direct as it's causing stress for everyone else" - I'm nineteen and don't even live at home (live in uni halls), you wouldn't think so though would you! I'm a bit baffled as to when I should go to A&E therefore, how on earth do you know what's serious and what's not, when all my symptoms seem to be emulating that of more serious problems..!

12-12-10, 22:22
You don't have a heart problem and you certainly don't have long QT syndrome. If you did you would have a history of fainting for no reason along with other symptoms AND it can be diagnosed on an ECG, the QT interval would be longer than normal but you've had a few ECG's now and obviously you don't have it.

The chest pain IS just muscluar, nothing else. I've been where you are in A&E every other night at one point but it was all anxiety. I was working myself up soooo much but it was nothing but anxiety. Your heart is fine. You are young and have clear tests results. You don't have a heart problem!!!

I know it's hard to put your fears aside but please remind yourself that if there was anything wrong with you it would have been found by now. Trust your doctor. Hope you feel better soon hun.

xxx :)

12-12-10, 22:27


How do we know what is and is not serious?

If you feel the need to go to A and E then go and don't tell the ones who don't like it!

Another thing is that when we're ill, it always appears worse when we are alone.

Perhaps not use the charcoal if you are on anti bios then.

13-12-10, 17:11
Hi daisy,

I have had costochondritis and it is a very painful and nasty condition, very much feels as though there is something wrong with your heart, effects your muscles all over and can feel squeezy pain and like someone is standing on the middle of your chest!!

I know it may be hard to believe but it does sound as though you have a combo of costochondritis and acid reflux...both worsened by anxiety, i know!!!

if you have any Qs just ask away.. try not to worry that this is something more sinister, you have had the main test - so what could possibly be missing? what do you think it could be that 2 ecgs would not pick up? I know it is hard, but surely if you think logically that test would pick up ANYTHING wrong with your heart.


13-12-10, 18:00
Dont worry about going to the A&E, i went twice in one day once and have had 3 rides in the ambulance thinking i was having a heart attack panicing over palpitations which i still get. If you feel in danger go. speak to your GP and see what else can be done as regards tablets etc

things do get better x:)

13-12-10, 18:08
What you need to remember is that "youngsters" your age, particularly women just do not get heart trouble...... if they do, its so unusual, not even worth considering!!...... now perhaps I should be worried with a history of heart trouble in the family and 57 years old but what the heck.... somethings got to get you in the end!!


13-12-10, 19:32
You know deep down there's nothing wrong, as do I with mine. It's convincing yourself.

Anxiety is a dreadful thing that is a great mimic of all sorts of serious diseases.

Once we forgot or get over one symptom it throws another and that's why we always live in fear.

I honestly think you're fine and need to accept the tests, just as I need to.

13-12-10, 20:45

I recently had some CBT to help with my heart based health anxiety and the therapist put me on a daily excercise routine, at first I wasnt happy doing it but over a period of time it has helped a lot. If i can excercise daily and not have a heart attack then there cannot be a problem with my heart!! Your symptoms sound very similar to the one's I had, and as I have seen someone having a heart attack it really does sound like its anxiety based. As you have been checked out medically it might be worth trying a daily excercise routine, not to strenuous at first but repetition is the key, after each time I did it with no heart attack I felt just a little bit better! Also it might be worth speaking to your doctor about medication as it does sound as though you might have a bit of depression which closely linked to anxiety.
