View Full Version : constant state of worry :(

12-12-10, 22:15
I have always been a worrier, but things have recently begun to spiral out of control. Although at the moment I’m not worried about anything specific, I’ve got butterflies in my tummy and I’ve felt short of breath all day long. When I experience these symptoms I then get worked up and feel very lightheaded and faint. I felt like this just before and found walking up the stairs a challenge since I felt so weak and out of breath. I have asthma, but my peak-flow reading is quite good and I’ve also taken my emergency inhaler, but am still really wheezy and my breathing seems quite heavy. My heart rate is normal and it’s been a few weeks since my last full-on panic attack, I’m worried that all this stress is leading up to a really severe one though :weep:

I worry about worrying all the time, which maintains my anxiety and stress and therefore the vicious circle continues!!!!

I’ve managed to calm down a little, but i can still feel a slight sense of fear, which i know will escalate later on tonight... I’m not looking forward to it!

Does anyone else experience blurred vision when they are feeling anxious/stressed? The last week I have notice my eye sight has become increasingly worse and everything looks fuzzy.. not sure if this is part of the anxiety or if I need an eye test! or maybe it’s a sign of an illness? I’m really freaked out again now! :unsure:

12-12-10, 22:59
If it's any consolation I feel exactly the same as you on a daily basis. It's so terrifying, you thins you're going to collapse and die and almost resign yourself to it. But you don't, and you realise that it was just panic. But no matter how many times this happens, the next time you feel like that you're still certain that this time it's something serious. We never learn. B