View Full Version : question about the pill?

12-12-10, 22:23
hi everyone,
at the start of my packet i took my pill a day later than i should have but carried on taking them as normal,
but yesterday i forgot to take my microgynon 30 pill (then lost it when i remembered!), so today i took my final pill in my packet before i have a 7 day break from it and missed out on the one i was meant to take yesterday completley.
how messed up will my period be? i've skipped a pill mid cycle before and took it the next day and my period was fine but ive never missed one at the end of my packet so i'm really unsure what to expect.
i haven't had sex this month either so no chance of me being pregnant.
please help!

thank you x

Going home
12-12-10, 23:33
Hi there, well if you're sure that you can't be pregnant then I would say don't worry too much whatever happens with this period. If there is a blip with it, and there may not be, at least you'll know its because of the mix up with the pills. I would say just let this period do what its gonna do and then just carry on as normal when your next lot of pills start again.

Anna x

13-12-10, 09:04
The only difference is that the Alesse 28 has 7 inert pills. The only purpose of these is to remind you to keep taking a daily pill. Just take the Alesse 21 for 3 weeks, wait a week, and start the next pack.