View Full Version : Christmas Prezzie worries

13-12-10, 00:46
Know it sounds kind of trivial, and guess it is, but this does my head in every year! Same with birthdays!:blush:
I'm trying to think of gifts for a couple of close family members, but nothing really seems worthwhile or at all meaningful. I'm starting to worry that I just don't really know my family very well. My mum told me the other day that my Dad doesn't really like getting any presents, so maybe he's just impossible to buy for, but I still feel like I should be able to think of something personal to him, even if he doesn't appreciate it.

I generally hate shopping (it majorly triggers my social anx, + there's so much useless crap out there), but unfortunately I also kind of suck at arty/home-made type things. Over the last few years I've generally ordered stuff online, but DVDs/books/bath sets/luxury chocolates just seem so empty somehow, unless there's something special that I think someone'd like.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly perfectionist, but it just feels like I should be able to think of something that really expresses how much I appreciate my family and the way they are.

How do you guys think of what to get your loved ones?

13-12-10, 09:15
I spend ages considering what to get people and I always want it to be special. However it's come to a point now where most people have everything they wanted, so it's hard to find them something that won't just go to charity or be forgotten about.

13-12-10, 09:21
I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly perfectionist

I really think that's the key to it. I used to beat myself up badly over trying to find the perfect presents for everyone. I've been forced to "let go" of a lot of my perfectionist traits over the last couple of years and I'm a lot more relaxed about stuff like that now. My advice would be to get people something nice and hope that they like it by try not to obsess. I'd settle for nice shower stuff, hair products, perfume any time. Hope you have a good Christmas xx

13-12-10, 11:16
i always think giving someone something to wear is nice as it'll remind them of you when they wear or use it. so for my mum i usually get jewellery or a nice scarf, something she wouldn't spoil herself with, and for my dad usually a silly t-shirt or something funny... though this year i have got him an audiobook! i really wouldn't worry, it's definitely the thought that counts and you shouldn't let this be another worry for you. christmas is about making people happy, sometimes i just do something nice like get one of those big frames and put pictures of all my family together in them in a nice frame!!

hope this helps x

margaret jones
13-12-10, 11:53
Your poor thing the Perfectionist trait (I have it to ) makes it so difficult to buy for our loved ones something that will make them feel we have thought about the present , trouble is we think to much .

Just try and look at a web site that helps you look at the presents available to suit peoples likes/dislikes .
Best of luck hun xxxxxxxxxxx

13-12-10, 12:33
I know exactly where you are coming from this causes a lot of arguments between my wife and I each year. Gradually I have been able to get the list of ‘people to buy for’ to a minimum and although it’s taken years folk now get me nothing and that suits me fine, the fact is when people say don’t buy for me they mean it- so don’t.

For people who its unavoidable to buy for and who really don’t want and need nothing we always go for something from the ‘Oxfam unwrapped’ scheme, it’s never failed yet.

13-12-10, 17:17
Thanks guys. Think I'll just choose whatever seems most appropriate of my ideas so far and try not to think about it any more. Happy Hols.