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View Full Version : Large throb in chest??

10-03-04, 08:41
Has anyone had this feeling before in there chest? I was upset with my son and the next the I know I feel this throb in my chest that only lasted about 2-3 seconds max. It felt almost like and electrical shock or a balloon expanding and deflating very quickly. It scared me beyond desription. I wonder if I was just upset and because I have been so fixated on my heart and chest area that I had some kind of a quick muscle spasm. When I used to get chronic headaches I remember having this feeling like something expanding and and deflating quickly in my head and finally got used to it happening every now and then. I just figured it was some kind of a muscle contraction due to being upset and tense. But this sensation in my chest is just too much. I thought I was it was the beginning of a heart attack or just heart failure. Any input is much appreciated.

10-03-04, 09:17
It is as you thought. A single skipped beat or double beat or as you say muscles contracting .
No big deal


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10-03-04, 21:53
The part that scared me though was how noticeable or hard the sensation was.

13-03-04, 09:04
Sounds like heart palpatations to me. I get these if I've taken too much caffeine, or if I'm stressed (or ususally a combination of both!) It is a very physical and disturbing sensation, like your heart is tripping over itself. It is totally harmless and, although I've had these on and off for years, I recently had a very thorough medical with loads of heart tests and I was totally normal. Just like I'm sure you are too!
