View Full Version : Heart Palps - HELP

13-12-10, 01:28
Ok I haven't posted on here in a very long time as I feel I have got rid of my anxiety once and for all, I feel a lot better and I'm able to go out with friends and not constantly worry about health issues, one thing I still get are heart palpitations, these are the most horrible things when they happen and especially when they come at awkward times! Like I was out on friday with friends and they just came when we were walking into town and it ruined my night as I just feared they would come again so I went home! I had an ECG in september telling me my heart was perfectly fine so they were all to do with anxiety, but now my anxiety has vanished I don't understand why I am still getting them?? How do I stop them coming?

13-12-10, 01:36
Probs cuz although you're pretty much anx free you're still very in tune with your body. You probably got palps before but completely dismissed them, they probably didn't even register in your brain! I know for a fact now that I got palps a lot when I was 16/17 and it didn't even dawn on me it was my heart doing it til I got anxiety and started gettin shed loads. Just keep ignoring them, don't stop what you're doing when you get them and don't think about them and they might just vanish once and for all. x

13-12-10, 01:41
Thanks, yeah I do notice the feeling of them from whenever I exercised, but I mean sometimes even the way I bend down or breathe incorrectly triggers it off, my throat tightens and my heart races over 100BPM, it's awful and ruines it! I try not to let it bother me, I tried to continue with my evening but i couldn't help worrying about the return of one :(

13-12-10, 01:48
Yea, I'm the same. Gradually gettin used to them though cuz seriously, palpitations in a structually normal heart are benign. You've had an ECG that came back fine right? Nothin to worry about, I've been told by a doctor (RLR, you might know him from here) it's jus an impulse that unfortunatley ends in the heart, it isn't actually caused by the heart itself. Also, I've noticed the more you think about them and expect them, you'll 9 times out of 10 end up gettin one lol!

Palps with exercise are normal too, I played on Dance Central earlier for like an hour straight an I got like 3. x