View Full Version : Unrealistic ideas?

13-12-10, 09:13
Going through a really bad blip of depression/anxiety whatever at the moment.... always worst first thing in the morning when It seems I'm almost incapable of anything other than typing on here!
Its "only" been a couple of weeks but already feels like a lifetime....... I seem to get these every few months throughout the year.
I just desperately want the magic cure that will get me better with no more suffering. My gp has put me back onto the fluoxetine a week ago but I want to feel better instantly, I feel so rough.
At the moment, I feel I want to rush down to the doctors this morning begging for more help!!...... pathetic really.... I have visions of being admitted into a lovely psychiatric unit where I would be caringly looked after, sedated and quickly get my mental health back with no further suffering!! Does this happen or am I incredibly naive?...... naive I suspect!
My wife always tells me I'd absolutely hate it in a hospital unit and I suspect she's probably right.

13-12-10, 16:04
hey i also find that when i wake up is when i feel dread like 10seconds after i woke up.

my gp has put me on fluexotine like yourself but i havent started them yet even tho i have been feeling like absolute crap since finishing my last medication.

i also fantasize about being put on a ward where they could make me better but i know this wont happen and id probably hate it.

ergh life.

13-12-10, 16:44
Going through a really bad blip of depression/anxiety whatever at the moment.... always worst first thing in the morning when It seems I'm almost incapable of anything other than typing on here!
Its "only" been a couple of weeks but already feels like a lifetime....... I seem to get these every few months throughout the year.
I just desperately want the magic cure that will get me better with no more suffering. My gp has put me back onto the fluoxetine a week ago but I want to feel better instantly, I feel so rough.
At the moment, I feel I want to rush down to the doctors this morning begging for more help!!...... pathetic really.... I have visions of being admitted into a lovely psychiatric unit where I would be caringly looked after, sedated and quickly get my mental health back with no further suffering!! Does this happen or am I incredibly naive?...... naive I suspect!
My wife always tells me I'd absolutely hate it in a hospital unit and I suspect she's probably right.
Dear Geoff psychiatric units are never lovely ( and I have been in a few both NHS and private) Sorry to shatter your illusions but you have to be extremely mentally ill and a danger to yourself or very psychotic before you would be admitted to an NHS psychiatric unit. Getting into a private unit is slightly easier but your psychiatrist would have to think that it would be benefitial for you to be there. Most people on these units are much worse than you and will be presenting with distressing behaviours. Consequently you wont be getting much sleep. These days people don't stay long in these places and are soon discharged back into the community. EJ.

13-12-10, 17:22
Realise you're right there EJ......... had a gp appointment this afternoon and he expressed exactly the same sentiments as yourself!!...... I've got to weather the storm and the blip will pass...... no easy solution for me, no magic pill other than the fluoxetine I'm on at the moment and he's not going to up the dose!! Temazipam for sleeping?..... no way.... highly addictive!! He's chasing up my CBT mind you. To be honest, reckon he's got the right ideas really though a magic bullet solution would be lovely.

13-12-10, 17:31
Hi Geoff I am sympathetic but I would fight tooth and nail not to be admitted to these places. The private psychiatric units are better as you have your own room and ensuite but hideously expensive. Have you looked into self help groups in your area? Depression Alliance run self help groups throughout the country. I didn't really get into 'Mind' groups now 'Rethink' I think but they offer self help groups as well. Sleep is much more of a problem. I am going through a phase of not sleeping well too at the moment. I will take a 3.75mg zopiclone to get off to sleep. At least I manage to stay asleep once asleep. If you are waking early then that is still the depression I'm afraid. Do you have terrible anxiety and feel bad in the morning? EJ.

eternally optimistic
13-12-10, 17:41
Geoff, hope you starting feeling better soon.

Stay and communicate on here and I am sure we can help you through this.

13-12-10, 19:17
Hi Geoff,

I spent 6 weeks in a NHS psych hosptial this year and believe me they are not nice places, much better to be a home, the wards are very distressing places. Hopefully the meds will kick in soon and things will start to pick up.
take care x