View Full Version : Can't cope

13-12-10, 09:27
I don't think I can cope anymore feeling like this I feel I'm going deeper and deeper don't no if the meds are helping or it's just me not helping myself , I don't want to get out of bed anymore to frightened of what the day will bring or what my body will bring . :-(

13-12-10, 09:41
hiya aba77. So sorry to hear that you are feeling the way you do.

Sort of a vicious circle and staying in bed feeling frightened about facing the day ahead will be making you feel worse and more upset, it did to me anyway.

Is there anyone you can talk to? Are you getting any other help or is it just meds you have been given. Often helps to talk to someone and perhaps you should pop in and speak to your doctor.

How long have you been on your meds for as mine made me feel even worse so I came off them.... might be worth asking your doc about yours as he could change them if it is those.

With me though it was only when I decided enough was enough and started to help myself that things have been geting a whole lot better. I tried to stop letting my body control my life and started to ignore the feelings it was throwing at me and I also stopped letting things like my family and work stress me out and wind me all the time. Blummin hard to do but gets easier the more you do it.

I hope you feel better soon but the longer you stay in bed not wanting to face the days ahead the harder it becomes to actually do it.

x x

13-12-10, 09:52
Hello Dizz I've been on meds for 11 days now I don't feel any better and feel at my worst in the morning I have two small children and it's killing me feeling like this I'm so knotted up inside I talk to my mam and husband but until u experience it you don't understand I see doc Thursday xx

13-12-10, 11:11
Hiya aba77

Have you felt worse since starting your meds? If so it's probably just your body adjusting to them as I know when I started mine I was awful. I cried all the time, couldn't get out of bed, hated the world, hated myself too. I was shaking like a leaf and didn't even want my family to talk to me. I locked myself away in the bedroom and they didn't understand as after all I had been given tablets so surely I should have been better and not worse (in their eyes anyway).

Well I only lasted on my meds for 3 days then it took another 3 to 4 days to get them out of my system and I was at least back to being the way I was before taking them which funnily enough didn't seem quite as bad after going through the horror of the tablets.

I think I may have been an unlucky though as the dc said it's unusually for someone to have such a bad reaction to the tablets as I did although I have read a lot of mention on here that you can feel a bit worse once you start taking them until they actually kick in etc.

I know what you mean about feeling knotted up inside re your kiddies. My sons 16 so it's a bit easier but even that was hard as I felt like the most useless mum in the world, not cooking, tidying up if I could, scared of going food shopping just incase but most of the time just not having the energy to do it anyway.

I sort of just cut myself off from them and didn't to sit with them watching telly incase I felt 'grotty' and had to make a quick exit back to the safety of my bedroom.

I think my son actually gave me the shove in the direction I needed one night though. He sat with me trying to chear me up and I said ''please go away I feel dizzy, my arms gone numb and you are making me worse"... he didn't go and carried on trying to chat and be funny.... I freaked out, went into 'mums having one of her moments again' mode.. belowed my other half to make him stop and off he went.

An hour later I was feeling a bit better when annoying son came back in and said 'sorry'.. I was 'sorry' too and then he said 'right lets play a little 5 minute game. You can be me and I'll be you so you can annoy me like I did to you.

So I did it just to humour him and because I was feeling guilty. So I did to him what he had done to me and a lot of other things too and I have never laughed so much in my life.

Everything I had said, done, moaned about incudeing all my ott actions and reactions over the past weeks he 'copied'... including the shouts of 'Brian Brian... come quick.. James is talking to me and he's making me ill'. There were the dramatic wavings of arms, the bewildered looks, the hiding under the covers trying to shut the world out.

At first I felt a bit annoyed that he was doing that but after a few minutes it started to really made me laugh. I'd not had a good laugh in months :roflmao:

Surely I wasn't that bad... but yes apparently I was. Seeing it from a youngsters eyes was a bit of an eye opener actually especially when he said 'mum your not really ILL, you've not got a terrible life threatening disease or anything... you are just stressing yourself out about it and you are making yourself feel ill and worse cos you are worrying about it and running away from everything all the time.

Maybe he was right, and maybe I was... so I'm not now and cant believe how much better I feel.

I have sorted things out with my doctor too and taken myself off the other tablets I was taking and also sorted out the silly migranes that I didn't even know I was getting :winks:

If I can do it after the state I was in for so many months then so can you...

x x x x

13-12-10, 11:34
Sorry just realised how long that post was and probably not much help to you really. I'll leave it there for a bit just incase then I'll delete a load of it so as not to bore everyone to death :doh::blush::roflmao:

13-12-10, 18:06
Not to long good to read good to here your getting through it thank you xx

13-12-10, 19:16
hi aba77 your meds wont be working properly yet and its normal to feel worse on them before you get better give it another week or two and you will start feeling the benefits i know because i felt the same when i started mine what meds have you started because ive been on a few different ones x

13-12-10, 20:44
Hi there I've been takeing calitopram it's my 11 day still having panic attacks trying very hard to stick with them thanks for your input xx