View Full Version : I hate feeling like this... help! Depression/Health Anxiety?

13-12-10, 12:59
Hi, I'm new to this so not quite sure how it works, but I have been reading a lot of the posts and straight away has made me feel a lit more secure in the fact I am not alone in the way I am feeling! Phew!

I don't know how my depression/low mood/bad thoughts started... I try and think back to what could have triggered it but it could have been a number of things, however for months/years I have simply brushed it off with the "pull yourself together" attitude that I felt I should have. I felt like "what have i to be depressed about" and I didn't like talking about it as I felt certain familys member and my boyfriend would just tell me to get a grip of myself!

But just over 4 weeks ago I couldn't take feeling like this anymore and I went to the doctor for help. My GP put my on sertraline 50mg and has advised I continue on this until Feb 2011 then come back for a follow up...

I done my research and I was prepared for all the side affects, as horrible as they were I got through them on my own. I've had a bit of a dip (im no on my 4th week) but I'm hoping I can get through it as I just can't bare this feeling and I'm hoping I can overcome it one day!

I severly worry about everything on a daily basis, silly day to day things that I never used to give a second thought... I worry about bad things happening to people I know.. I don't have a social life or any friends as I feel I can't? I just feel trapped and i cry spontanously. I have become rather withdrawn from a lot of people but the setraline have helped that a little bit so far. But now I seem be seeing the thing that I think are triggering my depression/anxiety and I won't to do something about it but feel I can't?

I also i'm convinced I have some sort of illness that is killing me as I just feel so cr*p every day.. if it's not fatigues it's nauseu or stomach pains or headaches... leg cramps and sleep paralysis and I have episodes of sitting thinking thinking thinking about things and its always bad things, i have so much negative thinking and I hate it, I never used to be like this.. I always used to be a happy 'normal' person and I just feel as if i Have this big cloud sitting right over me and no matter how hard I try to be happy and htink positive, I'm always waiting for something bad to happen.

Sorry for the boring novel but I would just like to know if anyone has ever felt this way....

I just feel so lonely and scared im ill or have evn caused an illness with my bad thinking & stress. I have no real friends readily available to talk to or socialize so I end up sitting myself all the time trying to get myself out of this rut!!

Any advice or just words of wisdom would be appreciated

:wacko: xx

13-12-10, 17:54
I no all your feeling I've just joined the site were not alone xxx

14-12-10, 12:11
Thanks aba77. I already feel a bit better having joined this site, it is comforting to know we are not alone. Although I do hope every single person gets through their dark period as it the most horrid thing to experience. x

Tia Maria
14-12-10, 13:06
Hi diamond - you are not alone. I have been there, seen it, done it, got the tee shirt etc. etc. Keep up with the tabs as they will help - mine actually took a bit longer to feel the benefit but hang in there. What you are feeling is absolutely totally normal for someone who suffers anx/dep. You are speaking to the expert here - I have imagined all sorts (all of them un-true) - it is simply the anx and dep that makes you feel that way - you are not going mad - joining this site is proof of that. This is a great site and such a comfort. Please feel free to PM me if you feel the need. Tia