View Full Version : Stressed, headache and so tired

13-12-10, 13:18

I have had head pains for just over 3 weeks. They are there every day but not all of the time. They are mainly on the left side of my head, concentrated over my temple, jaw, in front of my ear and under and over my eye. I have nasty upper back pain and neck pain - it feels muscular. I also have loud tinnitus in my left ear and a very clicky jaw. My left year has a dull eardrum which means there is a lot of fluid in it.

I have had the above before on several occasions and it can last for months. I just feel so exhausted all the time too. I wake up feeling tired! I guess it hasn't helped that, over the last month, I have not had a week without ill children or kids off school with the snow. I feel really stressed and anxious about Christmas and I am in again today with my daughter who has another ear infection!! I have so much to do and now they have forecast more snow this week - I've had enough!!!

I am really pre-menstural too which doesn't help!! I have got slightly obsessed with my speech recently. I read on google that sudden speech problems can be a sign of a brain tumor. Since reading that, I concentrate so much when I am talking that I trip over my words and say things wrong. It's like I am not letting it happen naturally (a bit like when I concentrate on my breathing and then I overbreathe).

Please reassure me that this is just stress!!

13-12-10, 14:05
Sounds like a tension headache to me.

Poor you - sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time with ill children which can in turn leave you run down yourself.

Naughty naughty googling:winks:! (I'm one to talk - I spend half my life googling!) You are tripping up on your words etc because, like you said, you are concentrating so hard on your speech.

Try and relax (Ha - I know really easy to say but doing it is another matter!) and I bet it will all start to get better very soon.
Big hugs


13-12-10, 20:51
Thanks Laura. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to see if I can get some drops to sort my ear out as it is really blocked. Hopefully that will help too x