View Full Version : Scared to take anti-depressant

13-12-10, 15:14

Have been struggling for months - tearful, exhaustion, poor sleeping pattern, pins and needles in arms and around the mouth ... the list goes on and on.

Well, today I was so low I was frightened that I couldn't take anymore, so went to see my GP who has put me on Trimipramine 25mg x 1 at night, and I am scared to take for fear of the side-effects, but also can't carry on like I am. Does anyone have any experience of this drug?

Help ... anyone???

13-12-10, 15:22
I don't have any eperience with the particular drug itself but i know how it feels to be afraid of taking medication because of side effects and so on.

I was petrified of taking anything so when my doctor prescribed me Bisoprolol I just didn't wanna take it. Side effects like dizziness scared me as I was already dizzy. But when I did (eventually) pluck up the courage to take them they really helped me and gave me no side effects atall.

Side effects are fairly rare, some people don't experience any and some experience minor ones but anything is better than how you're feeling now, right?

You'll be fine. It's only 1 at night, and at just 25mg too. It may be a great help to you. Let us know how you get on.


13-12-10, 15:39
:)hi, yeah ive been terrified of meds - which is ridiculous really - most drugs have some side effects - i think its such a shame that we could be helped but our fears stop us - its like just when we need it most we cant accept it - can you imagine anyone with a physical illness worrying so much about the drugs they had to take? they dont all work for each individual, its about finding the right one for you x

13-12-10, 16:17
My Dr has suggested Imipramine to me but I'm not keen on taking anything at all. I know I need to make some improvements but I am really not keen on taking anything because I feel I don't want another bunch of side effects and I don't think a lot of people take this one so there isn't a lot about it online.

13-12-10, 17:23
My Dr has suggested Imipramine to me but I'm not keen on taking anything at all. I know I need to make some improvements but I am really not keen on taking anything because I feel I don't want another bunch of side effects and I don't think a lot of people take this one so there isn't a lot about it online.

I took imipramine for several years. I was originally prescribed it after a severe depressive episode, but found that it helped me get refreshing sleep and more or less "cured" my CFS/ME that had plagued me for years.
Side effects depend on the dose, but at 75mg I had dry mouth, loss of libido and fast heartbeat. It was the tachycardia which eventually made me give it up.

13-12-10, 18:30
Wonder what time I should take a 'night' dose? Really nervous due to adverse reaction to anti-depressant taken back in 2001 (Seroxat) it was terrifying - had just split with my husband, in the house on my own and felt absolutely out of control; paralysed me, lay in bed looking at a ringing phone, desperate to answer it and couldn't. Huge pupils, racing heart, adrenalin rushes ... it was 100 times worse than the panic attacks I had been experiencing. No wonder I'm putting this off.

Will let you know what happens!!!!!:ohmy:

13-12-10, 19:29
SOunds exactly what I was like when I took Sertraline and citalopram. Was it one of those or similar? Some people just aren't suited to them at all and it took me a week of sleeping tablets and diazapam to get over that episode. I have never been so frightened in my life.

Which is again why I;m reluctant to take anything too. And if it causes a fast heartbeat then its definitely a no no for me as i have cardiophobia.