View Full Version : One for the ladies!

becks xxx
13-12-10, 16:18
Hey, well just to cut it short i know i've probably posted so many posts over the months about this same thing but still having the same problem!

Every month im trying my best to face my anxiety, putting myself in situations where i know i will feel anxious and trying to stay there as long as possible, taking the good days along with the bad .. and i was slowly starting to see a change in myself (in a good way), however every month, the week before my period, my symptoms are unbareable and feels like im right back at square one.

Most of the time it's the week before my period, then when it comes i calm down alot.. however every now and then it's the week im on my period, like now. All i ever get told is to deal with it, realise it's "pms" or "that time of month" and get on with your day. During this week though, it's literally impossible! Depersonalization kicks in, my fears are ridiculous, sleeping isn't as good, feel on edge, and like i could go mad at any moment. I've had this for soo many months, i did mention it to my counsellor (a man) and he said i probably just have bad periods.. but no way can i put up with this every single month, or i'll never get nowhere , it's suchhhhh a big setback every month, and i believe is really holding me back as also, I'm back to never leaving the house on this week and during this week put a stop to everything.

Is there anything id be given for this? Is it Pms? or maybe even PMDD? :ohmy: .. is there certain medication i could be prescribed which id only have to take during that week? as im really reluctant to taking meds for my anxiety as id love to be able to say i've beat it all by myself, thanks in advcance for the replys x x

13-12-10, 16:23
My GP suggested to take vitamin B6 or evening primose oil.. You can get hormonal tablets too like the pill, or primula (I think it is) that can help, or see about getting a longer term thing like an IUS or implant - my pal has an implant and she says she's never felt better.. Might be better off asking your GP or a sexual health clinic :) good luck, I know how you feel - I'm due and I'm very very dizzy and lightheaded and feeling weird today :lac:xx

paula lynne
13-12-10, 16:31
Hi Becks, totally understand where youre coming from, the exact thing has been happening to me since the birth of my son, ten years ago.

The thing Ive come to realise is, that week before my period (like now), Im going to get migraines, have vertigo, panics, anxiety, depersonalisation etc....and that week I dont fight it, I do the bare minimum. I know in a week and a half I will come out the other side feeling a whole lot better.

Im trying the progesterone only pill on trial at the moment, and my symptoms have gone from an unbearable 10, to a much better 5/6. Ask your gp for an oestrogen dominance test, this may be an option for you.

Progesterone cream has had fantastic results for severe pmt, but my gp says unfortunately its not available in the uk. Its widely used and recommended in America. Anyway, I know how debilitating this is, but do what you can when you can, and learn to be kind to yourself when that tough week approaches. Maybe join a forum related to this can offer practical help and support? Im sure theres something available on the web somewhere.

Take care x

13-12-10, 22:21
I'm the same, every month when I'm on my period I cry, I'm on edge, anxious...... I've a fear of bleeding to death too, I can't cope with the bleeding either, so it's a week of anxiety if its very heavy. I never used to have this fear:(