View Full Version : Silly worry??

13-12-10, 19:54
Over the past few days ive sort of lost my balance a few times & had to steady myself - at the back of my mind is the worry that this is the start of motor neurone disease!!
Please help to reassure me, im trying to be rational..

13-12-10, 20:04
I get this a lot. Got it worse on Saturday in the shower and it left me feeling panicky for a few hours. Thing is deep down i know it must be anxiety because when i feel off balanced i worry it is to do with my heart, you worry it is to do with motor neurone disease and i bet i could find someone on here that thought it was because they had a brain tumour. Main thing we all have in common? Anxiety! I think it is actually to do with tense muscles, i notice that the majority of my muscles are quite tense a lot of the time and when i relax them it actually feels a bit weird, i also seem to tense and untense my muscles without thinking about it and that also can make me go off balanced a bit.


13-12-10, 20:35
Thank you, this has helped to reassure me x

14-12-10, 18:49
After kneeling down to wash my hair my knee felt like it locked and gave way when i stood up, i didn't fall over but am back to thinking i have mnd,
Im trying to be rational , please help again !!

14-12-10, 18:52
Hi pb,

I get that with my knees I bend over the bath to wash my hair with the shower my knees lock all the time! Mine also do it when I lay on the floor on my side for too long watching tv an the next day I can barely walk lol!!


14-12-10, 21:12
Hi pb.. i get lightheaded with shoulder and neck tension, also when my sinus's are playing up.

19-12-10, 09:41
Had a really stressful day yesterday & now my left leg and hand feels abit week, i can still use them!! Do you think this might be connected to the anxiety and not MND !!!
Please advise x

19-12-10, 10:06
I am sure that its anxiety PB, once you get something into your head like MND then you start to 'feel' symptoms that could possible describe it and them the more you focus on the symptom the worse it gets and the more you feel it. I have had health anxiety for at least 7 years, my main worry being my heart, brain tumour and anything that could cause sudden death, however 7 years later i am still here! (i just wish the whole of my brain could understand this and not just my rational side!).
After a stressful day your body has kind of side effects from this, im sure its from the excess adrenalin. The day after a bad day for me i feel really spaced out and also get a lot of ectopic beats, im just beginning to see this pattern so on these days i just try and remind my self that its a consequence of a bad day the day before and not an indicator of some serious illness. Im sure that you will begin to notice that if you dont think about it then the weakness goes. Are you tensing your left side a bit more than usual? Sometimes i will feel a weak sensation in my arm and then spend all day tensing it almost to test to see if still feels weak and then it ends up feeling weak because i have been tensing it so much?


Captain Caveman
19-12-10, 10:33
Greetings. I too used to worry big time about Motor Neurone Disease and every other health issue under the sun. Not now though. Reassurance helps in the short term, but it tends to not help in the LONG TERM. So you get to the stage where you just have to accept the uncertainty of not knowing for sure whether every symptom is the possible relation of your feared illness.

BTW, I literally just finished watching a 5 hour series about the Universe hosted by Stephen Hawking. In the past, it would have made me start worrying. Now though, it didn't phase me at all.:)

I also now work around people with Huntington's Disease, which had been the other major illness I feared. So my suggestion is to stop seeking reassurance, experience the uncomfortable anxiety that comes with doing so, and see the positive results.:)