View Full Version : Please Reassure Me

21-03-06, 13:31
Hi folks!

Has anyone ever gone completely mad / died / general self destruction from anxiety, O.C.D, panic, disrealization etc?

I haven't been able to sleep properly recently and I feel I'm going to be a one-off case and completely lose it.

Thanks for reading,

- Luke

21-03-06, 13:38
Hi, my dad is literally one of the leading experts in the world in anxiety and ocd and he has reassured many a time that to his knowledge noone has died directly due to anxiety and as for going mad; I think that would only happen if there was another underlying problem.

Mate I feel like you do all the time and despite having my dad on hand I still believe I'm going to be the first to die, go mad etc no matter how many times he reassures me.

Shiv x

21-03-06, 14:06
Thanks Shiv... I've got a nasty case of dispersonalization today. :(

21-03-06, 16:00
hey luke you are not alone with this fear and im even afraid to say no incase i am the one of case

we many of us have that fear so you are not alone