View Full Version : It's all too much

13-12-10, 20:14
Hey all

Years since I have posted on here but I do visit when I feel low.

Well long story short I've had anxiety probs since my teens (33 now)
I'm on Citalopram and generally cope ok.
Well today I'm in a shit state! I started a new job today and my boss picked me up this morning,I thought I was ok but on the way I came out in cold sweats and felt really nauseas,this progressed to me actually being sick at the side of the road,we turned around and I was sick again on the way home.

I haven't been sick again but I still feel nauseous,I think anxiety is the culprit and it has heightened to a state where I am crying and feel like I can't cope,my relationship with my girlfriend has been worrying me for months now and I have just been ignoring it.

I think today's events have brought everything to a head,hard to explain but I feel awful,I have spoken to my GF and she had no idea I was worried about us,I think I pretend it's all ok and then it goes boom! sorry for the ramble but I feel like I'm going mad,I'm going to the docs tomorrow. :(

margaret jones
13-12-10, 20:36
Hi Woody sorry you are feeling so poorly at this time hope you feel better after your visit to the Dr take care xxx