View Full Version : lymph nodes and flu worried

13-12-10, 20:19
Hi there

Please can someone help me because I'm really worried at the moment. I've had a cold for the past few days, today I have noticed a round lump on the left hand side of my neck, I asked my boyfriend what it could be as he felt it and he looked worried and now i'm worried! :ohmy: It feels abit tender and hard you cant really see it when you look at my neck you can just feel it when you touch it.
Has anyone had this before? I don't want really want to go to the doctors i've hassled them enough over the past few weeks i've had blood tests etc... for other issues that have come back ok.

Please help me :( x

13-12-10, 20:48

If you have been unwell, this will almost definitely be a lymph node as they can come up during infection. I have swollen glands in my neck too at the moment. As a rule, swollen lymph nodes due to cancer are usually painless.

They can stay swollen for some weeks but if it bothers you, get it checked out by a doctor but please don't worry. x

13-12-10, 20:54
Thanks Jo, it doesn't really hurt it just feels abit tender, my mom pressed down really hard on it and it didn't hurt at the time so probably only feels tender at the moment because I keep touching it. This is what worries me. It's only one in the left handside of my neck woud this be because of the cold I have?
Just seems like one symptom after another :weep: xx

13-12-10, 21:30
I had some kind of virus about a week and a half ago and i noticed that my glands were swollen and i think the left is more swollen than the right, however i have always kind of been able to feel them so now i cant tell if they are swollen or not! I have heard from a gp before that glands can take weeks to go down (my daughter had a swollen gland) so how about we leave it for at least 2 weeks and then re check them then to decide if the swelling has gone down xx

13-12-10, 21:36
Thank you Mary. I keep trying not to poke at it if I can help it! Yes sounds like I good idea, just hope that this worry isn't going to take over christmas I've had a new symptom every other week over the past year and just when I think i'm getting better, another one appears :weep: it's so fustrating. I hope that you all feel better soon xx