View Full Version : Is this tiredness normal?

13-12-10, 20:27
Hi everyone, I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and trying to recover from agraphobia. I am tired a lot of the time but when I get over tired like when I've had a busy day I am literally exhausted usually around 3pm, when I have this excessive tiredness I ache all over get breathless and weak all over, and literally have to go to bed for a nap, or I get dizzy (even more than normal) and sway really bad when standing, literally feel too exhausted to move.
Thank you in advance for your replies.

margaret jones
13-12-10, 20:32
Hi Ann sorry you are feeling so tired but anxiety and panic can make you really tired because of all the energy it takes to cope with this .
I am just like you Anne what I try and do is eat a snack every couple of hrs to keep your energy levels up , hope this helps xxxx

13-12-10, 21:50
hi ann, i feel tired alot, if i dint have my lttle girl i would be having a afternoon nap every day honest. when she naps i try but then always a million things to catch up on while shes naping its my only chance when she sleeps...i think all the thinking we do with anxiety it makes us tired... did you have second mri results yet?? xxx