View Full Version : trapped nerve in back

13-12-10, 21:06
i have been told that i may have a trapped nerve in my back. i get bad shooting pain in my lower back when i move in certain ways. anyway i am panicing that it is cancer! i got oins and needles in my leg today which started to worry me, i then started to get pins and needles in my arms and lips, this got my heart racing and im got paniced. i am now getting pain in my chest and middle of my back and thinking so many bad things. can anyone help?

13-12-10, 22:30
I have herniated discs in my spine from neck to bum!! and have trapped nerves to some degree but not constantly. I cannot use my left arm alot or I get burning/icy pain and prickles at base of my neck that calms down when I stop using my arm and this is a trapped nerve from my neck that is dependent on my arm movement. I also get pain and pins and needles in my legs or feet on and off from the discs in my lower spine.

These symptoms can be short lived say lasting up to 6 weeks then you never suffer again or long term like me because of permanent damage to spine.

I like you worried and worried that my symptoms were due to spinal cancer but I have had numerous mri scans over the years and mine are all just due to collapsing discs and wear and tear - I was young when it started I was 30.

If you are no better after 6 weeks then if you have't already had a scan its time for your Dr to send you for an mri to see if you have problems with a disc pressing on a nerve but they won't do this until you have shown no improvement in 6 weeks.

I bet all the escalating symtoms of tinglling lips etc is just your anxiety response to your worrying.

I have a friend who has recently been operated on for a benign tumour in her spine and she didn't have one iota of pain or pins and needles she just slowly lost all feeling in both her feet and had trouble walking - happy to say op complete sucess and feeling has come back and she is fine now.

13-12-10, 23:58
saintdee, no way is it cancer! What you are experiencing is either a disc prob or a trapped nerve.

Could be sciatica, but no way is it cancer. Not a chance!