View Full Version : Anxiety affecting my bladder???

13-12-10, 21:33
Hi there

Some of you may have read my other posts - I have a four-month history of cystitis, which turned into urinary discomfort and is now just a kind of strange feeling in the area of my urethra - a sort of ache.

Started with 'normal' cystitis after sex - bacterial urine tests after six weeks showed no infection (although a little blood) and STI and vaginal swab all clear about amonth ago. I had one course of antibiotics bought directly from a chemist before I went to a Dr (my health anxiety manifests itself as a fear of Dr's and tests).

Just wondered of anyone else has experienced this sensitivity in the urethra area? It's as 'though my urethra got traumatised during the last time I had sex and hasn't quite recovered - is that possible?

I'm getting scared again and starting to think it must be something serious.

I can go for days with no sensitivity at all and then it comes back again and seems worse when I am in a stressful situation. This sounds really weird but if I grasp my 'crotch' area (think Michael Jackson), it feels ok (obviously I don't do this in public!)

Can anyone explain what might be going on and/or have experienced similar symptoms???

Apologies if I'm repeating myself and have already bored you enough with this!!!

Many thanks


Hazel B
13-12-10, 22:15
Hi, I had something similar this year, UTI symptoms for 2 months that made me really low. I initially had an infection but then I think the anxiety made me need the loo more (adrenaline can do this). I had a constant "burning" that would not go away. I was referred to a urologist and he saw all my recent scans from another health issue and was told my bladder looks OK and isn't damaged.
I had Propranolol to help with anxiety and this calmed me down and the UTI symptoms slowly went. It seems I had a long lasting infection with the effects of anxiety, I totally sympathise.

Things I do to prevent infection are:

drink lots of water
wear 100% cotton pants
wipe front to back
avoid caffeine and smoking (both irritate the bladder)
avoid tight trousers
use sensitive clothes wash
use perfume free soap
shower not bath
Hope this helps and you feel better soon.

14-12-10, 22:24
Thanks for the advice and the reassurance = it always helps me so much just to know someone's listening.

When I went for the STI checks, the nurse practitioner gave me some gel to use if needed. I think it's a mild anesthetic. Has anyone had this prescribed for them and used it? I'm a bit scared!!!

24-12-10, 08:46
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.

29-12-10, 23:48
Hi there

My symptoms have been quite bad over Christmas which I have found stressful as I stayed with my Mum for 5 days (I love her dearly but...) even sat with some frozen peas on my 'you know what' off and on to cool me down. Seems to be worse when:

I'm hot
I'm stressed
After a bath

I also seem to be getting hot and sore all over the area now, not just my urethra and am quite dry 'down there'.

Still trying to pluck up the courage to go back to the Dr but my HA is going mad, thinking it's all kinds of terminal conditions.

Anyone offer any help, advice or similar experiences please come forward.



30-12-10, 00:01
I have suffered with cystitis for 10 years now. Sometimes there is a bacterial infection sometimes not.

Saw a specicialist this year who after tests confirmed there in nothing physically wrong just prone to them.

Not take 2 anitibiotics after sex and keep a store in the cupboard so I can take as soon as symptoms start instead of waiting for the docotr.

It seems as soon as the infection takes hold it is really hard to clear up as the same infection can come back over and over.

Prevention is better for cure and has worked for me.

Hope you find this useful I know how recurrent cystitis can get you down which in turn does not help with anxiety!

30-12-10, 00:28
Hi thanks for you reply - Can I ask what type of tests you had and were they painful/stressful???


30-12-10, 00:54
I just wanted to advise going back to your doctor. I've had bladder problems this year and went through months of utter torture until I saw a urologist. The urologist knew exactly what to do and I'm on my way to recovery now.

Once my GP had checked for everything he could think of he referred me to urology. It's much better to get checked out and have someone help you than just sit around (on your hands probably!) suffering :)

There's no need to worry about the doctors. My GP said I would need a cystoscopy but the urologist said they don't do that unless you're elderly or they've tried everything else first. None of the tests they gave me were painful.

Hope you feel better soon :)

30-12-10, 13:12
Hi there

Thank you, your words are very encouraging - what type of tests did you have and what treatment did the uro prescribe? (if you dn't mind me asking)

30-12-10, 14:19
Hi. I had ultrasounds, swabs and gyneacological examinations (just like having a smear - not very comfortable but at least it doesn't hurt!) Some of the ultrasounds I had were from the inside (which is just a probe within the vagina, this isn't uncomfortable).

I had overactive bladder and they gave me a medication called Regurin, which has me almost cured within less than two months (although I have to take it for at least six months). I have a tender feeling around the opening of the urethra but most of my tenderness is in the bladder itself and I need to go to the toilet frequently (like when you have cystitis).

You might need different tests if it's localised to the urethral opening or it might just be a case of someone having a look.

I've found the doctors really helpful in my case. They tested for everything and kept going until they found something they could treat. It took a while, I think because there's many things that can happen down there, but it was worth going for all the appointments!

I hope you start feeling better soon!

30-12-10, 14:30
Thank you so much - it's very kind of you to share.


30-12-10, 20:28
I have just been to the loo and now my whole genital area is burning and sore - I'm stressing out big time, what can this be ????

I'm so scared

30-12-10, 20:48
Have you been tested for thrush?

Thrush can affect the urethra (usually makes it swollen in my experience) and get be burning/painful. You don't have to be itchy or have discharge.

Go to a doctor anyway. If they've tested for STIs you don't have any, but they might not have tested for thrush.

30-12-10, 22:13
Hello again

I recently (about 5 wks ago) went to Marie Stopes for STI tests and because I was so anxious the nurse practitioner let me do my own swab - I don't know if it tested for thrush?? I'll call them tomorrow to check

The symptoms I have at present are very similar to thrush and someone metioned 'silent' thrush before as I don't have any discharge.

Actualy walked up to the local GP surgery today to have a look. I was out for a walk so didn't feel brave enough (no make up) to go in. Am trying really hard to pluck up the courage.

The Marie Stopes nurse also gave me some anesthetic gel which I used tonight for the first time and it did take away the burning but I'm scared to go to the loo again now!!!

Thanks for your support, it means so much - you are an :noangel:!

28-12-17, 07:07
hi there!

i too have had health anxiety for about 7 months. it came out of nowhere and was quite severe. ive since had so many physical symptoms however my bladder/urethral irritation seems to be sticking around and is EXACTLY how you described it.

it originally felt similar to a bladder infection, but no infection showed in my urine sample.

did you ever find out exactly what it was?

thank you!