View Full Version : My Symptoms List ready to take to Neurologist

13-12-10, 23:09
Right, tonight ive been writing down all of my symptoms. Ive got a Neurology appointment on the 1st February but im going to try and get it brought forward due to the fact that im simply not coping with these symptoms anymore, i cannot cope... Im hoping and praying all is fine as i then will know for definate that this is all anxiety related and i can finally accept it.

Anyway, here is my symptoms:

* Swollen lymph nodes in neck ans groin - approx 11 weeks now.
* Sudden loss of sensation in right arm, like it goes to sleep or is not attached to me.
* Hot burning patches on my skin all over body.
* Pricking/tingling/pins and needles all over body.
* Muscle pain, joint pain, aches n sharp pains all over.
* Headaches, stiffness, head pains, head feels like its full of cotton wool or fog or something, just feels very swimmy sometimes.
* Extreme vertigo attacks, everything sways and moves, lasts max.30mins
* Visual disturbances and flashes.
* Sudden Intense rushes from head to my feet, induces panic attack, these rushes affect my vision and make me feel instantly tired, feel faint.
* Cold patches on my skin all over.
* Feel weak all the time, arms feel heavy and legs feel unattached or weak.
* Sudden balance problems, intense dizziness.
* Surreal vision, like everything seems hazey or dreamlike.
* Burning smell, like burning rubber or gas.
* Arms dont feel attached to me, like they are paralysed and dont want to move.
* Night sweats
* Itchy skin
* I go out all the time, as dont feel anxious about anything apart from my symptoms.
* Nausea
* Eyes sometimes refuse to adjust/focus, they go blurry for ages after ive rubbed them too. Blurred vision is every single day, if i look at for example a book, then the tv, my eyes go blurry and takes about 4 or 5 seconds for them to fully focus and adjust. Eyes tested and all is fine.
* Sudden cloudy patch over left eye.
* Intense sudden fatigue like ive just run a marathon but i havent even moved.

Chest pains but heart scan was normal so im assuming these are probably tension related.

Im not sure what the Neuro is going to say, but i feel like i have to write it all down as i know i will forget all my symptoms when im in there. Tonight was the icing on the cake for me. Just sat there then BAM, severe vertigo, everything was swaying,moving, eyes hurt and vision was blurred, felt like i couldnt move it was so scary :-( Arms felt like they were floating, and not attached to my body. I feel like im cracking up, I know I will have another breakdown if i dont get seen soon, i cant bear it anymore :-(

14-12-10, 10:38
Poor you its the not knowing that is the worst isn't it. I have to say that apart from the swollen glands and night sweats I have had all ofyour symptoms for over 15 years - I have been neuro checked out about 3 times i have had 3 brain and head mris and had all of my spine mri - had neuro eye test etc. I have been through ENT for the vertigo and constant unsteadiness. I do have herniated discs in my spine which could be cause of alot of my symptoms as tense neck muscles for whatever reason affect your balance because of wrong signals being sent to your ears. I also get the terrible head rushes/ falling sensations when I relax for sleep - I have been checked out for an adrenal tumour and had loads of heart tests for ectopics and racing heart. I also get the burning patches like your getting shingles but only lasting a couple of days.

I think its a great idea to make a list to take to the neuro so you won't forget anything and it also means you don't have to start listing it all and getting upset as I would! Just hand him the list and then answer his questions afterwards. Hopefully he will send you for a scan to rule out anything nasty if you have not already had one.

You may have problems getting your appt brought forward as there is a drastic shortage of neuros - if you cannot and are desperate can you afford to pay to see the neuro???? One option even though you should not have to do it.

14-12-10, 11:19
Great idea to make a list CrazyHayz... it's suprising how many things you can forget to mention until you come out of an appointment... well I do anyway.

Thats one long list though and I feel so sorry for you having to suffer from all that.

Ask him about 'migranes' as they can apparently result in a lot of the sysmptoms you mention. And something I didn't know until recently is that you can get full blown migranes and associated symptoms but WITHOUT a headache.

Tracey C (on here) very kindly gave me some fantastic info sheets from her neurologist who specialises in migranes. I have cut and pasted the 'associated symptoms' from one of the diagrams that can be a result of a chronic migraine (with or without headache) for you here:

Report by Dr Nicholas Silver,
Consultant Neurologist, the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery

Diagram - Chronic Migraine – “more than just a headache”


Dizziness: Chronic Fatigue

Abnormal sensations
in limbs or face
•“crawling” or “water”

Sensitivity to noise, light
or smell

Distortion of reality
Alice in Wonderland

Autonomic symptoms
Red eye, facial swelling,
facial drooping, tearing

Mood and Memory:
•Low mood
•Irritability and emotionalism
•Memory & naming problems

Hearing disturbances
•Mute and/or buzzy

Visual disturbances
•Blurring, spots, dark

•Restless Legs
•Aching limbs
•Twitching in sleep

Hope it helps and that you get it all sorted soon x x:hugs: