View Full Version : Adrenalin?

14-12-10, 08:39
I have had a better few days recently. However what I keep getting is this sudden warm feeling in my chest. Last night it woke me twice.

Is this adrenalin? I have cardiophobia so am naturally worried as it feels horrible.

Also as I was lying in bed last night I had this like electric shock feeling. I don't know where it started in my body but it scared me stiff. I'm not coming off meds so it isn't anything to go with that.

Can anyone please help? And also why do these adrenaline rushes happen when your relaxed and when will they go away? If that is what they are. I am getting them a few times a day, especially at night.

14-12-10, 08:59
Hello, I suggest you to ask your doctor about beta blockers, they block the adrenaline surge and slows down your heartbeat. Now for a non-medical suggestion, you might also want to burn off those adrenaline with daily exercise, they do wonders.

14-12-10, 09:03
I can't take beta blockers because I have asthma :(

Having read something I'm scared I have sleep apnea now :(

14-12-10, 09:17
Hi dodo

Your husband would be able to tell you if you have sleep apnoea, as you'd be snoring badly and not breathing properly in your sleep. My ex-husband has severe sleep apnoea and his symptoms were really noticeable, as he used to stop breathing for dozens of times a night.

14-12-10, 09:44
I do snore apparently. Have done for a long time.

But my husband is a very heavy sleeper and wouldn't notice.

14-12-10, 10:14
omg ive just freaked myself out about sleep apnoea too from reading this post and googling it! it is more common in men and is a very low percentage, usually 40+ age... do you feel very exhausted all day?

14-12-10, 10:54
Hiya Dodo

Just to put your mind at rest a little I get/got the rushes across my chest too.... sort of like a big wave and it used to scare me too. I also get what feels/sounds like little electric shocks too but they seem to be in/near my ears hence the fact I say 'hear'.

I've mentioned the 'rushes' to my doctor on many occasions but he has never been concerned about it and just told me to ignore it.

Went though a spell of having of having the 'rushes' EVERY night about a month ago but that's when I was lazing about most of the time and quite stressed and tired suffering from the other horrid anxiety type symptoms.

The rushes only ever happen to me when I am relaxed or just about to fall asleep.. I think I also get them when I am asleep and the wake me up.

I have started to notice however however that they happen more if I have eaten later at night, if I've had a large meal OR if I have eaten potatos... sounds mad I know.

I was joking that perhaps I was allergic to potatos with my chiropractor but she said its not an allergy but that Potatos are FULL of natural sugars and are HIGH GI foods (glycemic index) as are a lot of other foods expecially carbs.

They apparently release a surge of energy to the body.... and she said like ChrisK says if you are not exercising and burning off the energy or have a lot of adrenalin in your system (which rises with worry or anxiety etc) then it has to go somewhere.

She advised smaller meals but more often, drinking plenty of water, taking multivits, eating more veg, and also advised going for more walks or light exercise especially if feeling shakey or dizzy (which is easier said than done eh) as these symptoms can all be caused by higher and excess levels of un-needed adrenalin etc just hovering about in the body being unused too.

Makes sense and I have been limiting my potatos over the past weeks, relaxing more, walking more, not worrying about every little twinge or oddity and I've not had the 'rushes' a few weeks and am sleeping much better too (I still snore though ha ha)

To be fair though I have also been having chiropractic manipulation on my neck and back, have read the book recommeded on here by Dr Claire Weekes about nerves anxiety and adrenalin etc and have also come off my blood pressure tablets so maybe it's a combination of the lot but I am feeling so much better and getting almost back to normal (TOUCH WOOD)

Take care and I hope that helps a little bit... sorry about the long post by the way x x

14-12-10, 12:20
Thank you for your replies. I do feel exhausted but I think that is because I've been in an anxiety state for a few weeks now. Although at times I have this horrible feeling I'm just going to fall unconcious sometimes. Like I'm fighting to keep conscious.

I have had a very tight throat when going to sleep and feel like I can't breath when I lie down.

I'm only 30 and female Bd slim so j guess my risk for apnea is slim.

I can't understand why these rushes start in the night though. Maybe you're right.

Is it true that once your body gets used to waking up in the night that it'll keep happening and that us why I'm having these rushes? Like I was waking at 3am every morning with my heart going a little faster. So us my body in a pattern and thus I'd now causing the rushes too?

14-12-10, 12:20
Sorry for typos. On phone.

14-12-10, 12:39
I think we do get into the habit of waking early, but I also suspect it's because of a hormone called cortisol. This is the one that wakes us up in the morning, and normally I think we start producing it about 2 hours before we would wake up. However, anxiety makes us produce much more of it, and I would guess that it wakes us and we get more sensitised to it.