View Full Version : Visual snow

14-12-10, 09:27
Hi everyone - i have been really stressing myself out recently, ever since i read about visual snow i cant stop thinking and focusing on it -

When i look at certain backgrounds my vision goes all static like normally dark grounds - i guess its always been there to some degree or other and now im just focusing on it and stressing myself out (stupid i now) just wondering if anyone else has been through or experienced the same thing.

Feel so stupid that im letting something take over my life

14-12-10, 16:27
Hi there. Yes, I had this a couple of years ago. It was particularly worse in the mornings, as soon as I woke up. It seemed to go away when I stopped focussing on it. Strange isn't it?!

Rachel W
14-12-10, 17:22
I think static is normal on darker backgrounds or sky. At least that's what I tell myself. It is also quite obvious at night in darkened rooms. I would love others to comment too if they could add if they see static as well on plain backgrounds and in the dark.

But dc100, you are NOT alone!!!

15-12-10, 15:44
thanks for the replies - i have had a whole host of health anxieties recently and the others have cleared up but this one seems to linger - really am trying to block it out but keep focusing on it then i kick start my anxieties again - never noticed it before ive always had floater since i was little but thanks for the responses i wonder if everyone has it just worried about asking friends etc in case they think im nuts