View Full Version : Not feeling right again

21-03-06, 16:35
Hi everyone

Well I get up each morning and don't feel too bad, but as the day goes on I feel really spacey and woozy, almost like I am drunk and about to keel over - its especially bad when I am driving. I keep telling myself that its anxiety, but I just feel that it isn't. I am on anti-ds and I know about the side effects of these but I have been on them now since before Christmas. I just need an explanation as to why I am feeling like this! Anyone else feel the same? I also find that I keep staring into space and thinking about things - I can knock myself out of it as I assume its just part of depression?


21-03-06, 19:01
hi michelle i can so relate to you my woozyiness is like a lightheaded feeling like im not attached to my body a sometimes the feeling can make me nauses aswell mines worse in the mornings then any other time and ive never found out why. x

21-03-06, 20:22
Michelle - I feel woozy and giddy all day and all night!! I saw a CBT therapist and he said it was because my jaw muscles were always tense and clenched - apparantly it can effect the balance mechanisms in your ears. I find myself spaced out at times, I seem to switch off for a while and then realise that i've blanked out, not sure why, I put it down to tiredness because I'm not sleeping.
Love Helen

21-03-06, 21:45
Thanks Helen - that's really interesting and reassuring because I had a Hopi ear treatment done recently and as the therapist massaged around my right ear and jaw it was painful and she said it was because my jaw muscles were tight. I'm also experiencing bad car sickness as a passenger and when I am in the passenger seat I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster! This feeling only fuels my anxiety that I've got brain tumour or something - especially when I don't feel quite with it and myself.