View Full Version : Out of the blue

14-12-10, 14:31
Hi Guys

I nearly made it through the year without another panic attack. That was until Friday last week when I woke up in the middle of the night with palpitations, tight chest et al.
The next day I was feeling spaced out - really anxious and dead certain that something bad was about to happen to me. I just rode it out and was fine by the afternoon.
Symptoms appear out of the blue sometimes and surprise us. The key is not over analyze - accept them and move on. It is difficult in the beginning, but every little victory, no matter how small or insignificant, is a step in the right direction towards being able to live "normally" with anxiety. I use inverted commas because who determines what is normal anyway? :D

15-12-10, 15:06
fantastic quotes... love em made me feel a whole load better x