View Full Version : Worried AGAIN !!!!

14-12-10, 16:23
I seem to have become obsessed that I'm going to die I keep focusing on something wrong the slightest symptom is blown out of proportion first it was cervical cancer then I had a lump in my side so I convinced myself something wrong there and now I feel like I've lost weight I daren't weigh myself just in case I have else I will be proper scared my gran apparently died of stomach cancer when she was 45 in around 1950 which is a long time ago but now I'm scared I will too why can't I just be happy surely I would feel really poorly if I had something deadly and the weight issue wouldn't be straight away I'm just scared to weigh myself I just want to be healthy :weep:

24-12-10, 08:43
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.

24-12-10, 11:47
Hey Ell

People lose weight for all sorts of reasons, and one of them is (guess what?) anxiety!

When you're anxious, your body is in overdrive, fast metabolism = weight loss. I'll bet you aren't eating quite as much as you were either?

You would have other symptoms if there was anything wrong. Unless it's a LOAD of weight, you should be fine (and if it was a load of weight, I think you'd be having other symptoms)

Try not to worry - easier said than done, I know.

Dahlia x