View Full Version : Just had a smear test

14-12-10, 17:38
One for the ladies obviously! I had it done an hour ago and for some reason I found it very painful when the nurse put in that whatever its called that holds you open to do the smear. I have found it painful occasionally in the past seems to depend on who is doing it.
She said as they scrape the cervix to expect slight pink discharge as the cervix bleeds when it is scraped. I have got a slight pink discharge but I didn't ask her how long it would last - I vaguely remember years ago bleeding slightly after the test but cannot remember how long it lasted.

Common sense is tellimg me it is only an hour since it was done and I will probably have a bit of pink until my body has cleaned the blood out and its healed itself but the HA is worrying that the pink discharge won't stop stupid I know but hope you all understand.

14-12-10, 18:49
Hey hun,

Last time I had a smear it really hurt too infact it was agony I also had pink discharge an if I remember rightly I had mine for around a week! Smears are horrible things but so worth the pain!


14-12-10, 21:21

My last smear really hurt and i bled for a few days. Try not to worry, it will settle down.

mandie x

14-12-10, 21:37
same here, maybe a shower might help or a bath :-)

14-12-10, 21:47
thanks everyone you have really helped me. I didn't realise you could bleed for so long afterwards. I still feel very sore - it only seems the last few smears that have hurt so much - wonder if they have changed how they do it- don't they use a brush or something now rather than smearing it on a slide??

14-12-10, 21:56
Off topic slightly but do they really hurt? I've never had one as I'm only 19 - 20 in July though so think I am due next year at some point. and can you get your gp to do it as opposed to a nurse, would rather someone I trust? I'm not too worried, just wondering?

14-12-10, 22:33
You girls have it so bad! All we have to cope with is shaving!

Us guys should treat you to a pamper day as standard after every one of these proceedures that you have to endure!

15-12-10, 00:08
You girls have it so bad! All we have to cope with is shaving!

Us guys should treat you to a pamper day as standard after every one of these proceedures that you have to endure!

I agree!!! Haha :P

15-12-10, 00:09
Slightly off topic perhaps, but I just wondered how long the results of a smear take 2 come out? I am scared of going 4 my smear, but even more scared of the results, and I don't want 2 make an appointment 2 get 1 done before Xmas in case u get the results within a day or 2, as if itz bad news I wouldn't want 2 no before Xmas :S xx

15-12-10, 08:03
Smear tests should be painless - mine have been and I dont know anyone personally who has found it painful. If it hurts then perhaps the doctor/nurse isn't using enough lubricant - you should ask for this if they don't provide it!

Results - they used to take 6 weeks, my first one definitely did. But I had mine a month or so ago and was told they now try to get all results out within 3 weeks. My result was abnormal and I had it within a week even though I have no urgent action, just another smear booked in 6 months. Any abnormal results needing a colposcopy are, I believe, dealt with relatively quickly. Try not to worry about it, the likelihood is that the result will be normal. An abnormal result is a nightmare for us HA sufferers and I had a big panic over mine but I have calmed down a bit now!

15-12-10, 09:51
Ok thanks :) hopefully its not something I need to worry about for a while! x

15-12-10, 10:28
Off topic slightly but do they really hurt? I've never had one as I'm only 19 - 20 in July though so think I am due next year at some point. and can you get your gp to do it as opposed to a nurse, would rather someone I trust? I'm not too worried, just wondering?

I've had numerous smears and they really don't hurt, all you feel is a little scrape that's all, in no way is it agonising. I think the tenser you are the more likely it is that you'll feel pain but really it's like someone scraping your tongue. :)

15-12-10, 10:44
I agree the smear itself does not hurt what I find painful for a couple of seconds is when they wind out that device that holds you open that is what hurts me not the smear itself. I was not at all tense as I was not expecting it to hurt because I had forgotten that the last two I have had hurt them being three years apart - I do think it has alot to do with the person wielding the device ( wish i could remember what it is called). Even so it was only a couple of seconds of pain then it was okay.

She said my results would be expectred after xmas but if I hadn't heard by end of Jan to tell them.

15-12-10, 15:49
I HATE smears. Those new fangled spatular things they use are awful, they hurt so much.

I had a lot of pink after I had mine done last time. And it lasted a little while. Also don't be worried if they call you back as she said a bit of blood on it can spoil the sample.

I tell you what, when someone used one of those opening things on me when I was in labour, the duck bill metal things, they tried to pull it out without closing it! Nearly ripped my cervix out! My god did that hurt.

15-12-10, 16:48
They're called speculums and I agree they are horrible things!

I haven't had a smear for about 14 years as I am afraid of all medical tests (or more the results) but I recently went to Marie Stopes for STI and swabs because of long-running cystitis symptoms and they are so lovely that I am planning to actually have a smear with them after Christmas.

The nurse practitioner told me they use plastic speculums that you can insert yourself - isn't that a great idea! They also use the liquid cytology method of testing which filters out any blood or mucus and is therefore much more reliable.

There is a cost as it's private but in my view well worth it if anyone fears them. They also operate a policy of no charge for a re=test if you get so tense the test can't be done on the first visit.

Perhaps the NHS will catch up soon - I would think it could only save money in the long run.


26-01-11, 16:49
Hi Everyone,

Hmmm I am having one tomorrow a smear and im really scared for some reason.

Can you still have one done when you are spotting ?? .

I have problems with my periods and seem to spot most of the time. The times I sort of got the letter to have one done, has always been inconvenient cos of the irregular bleeding plus being too scared. hmm. Don't know why. I have been reading up and people say it hurts hmmm. I am a bit whimp and I might feel the pain. I think im scared incase I have the dreaded C word, hmm.

I am not looking forward to it tomorrow one bit. So anxious about the whole thing. Sorry im being silly really I guess, sorry for butting in on your post.


Rachel W
26-01-11, 17:12
I don't think it makes a difference if you are spotting. I haven't had a PAP smear for about 5 years due to changing a doctor and then spending time in the UK (I live in the US now) so am a little overdue. But I have had a couple in the past and don't worry too much about it.
They scrape a few cells off the cervix to check the cells. It feels more like a pinch to me and is over in a few seconds. I wouldn't say it is very painful, more of a discomfort and a little sharp. It is definitely not that bad at all. Just try to relax, as this will also help when they put the speculum in. The whole process is really not too bad at all and if you are nervous then talk to the person who is doing it before hand and they can explain things to you to let you know what is going on.

26-01-11, 17:27
Hi, When I had mine done it just felt like a tampon had been pulled out roughly afterwards and not painfull just little bit of discomfort. I am also due one again as I have not had one done for over 6 years, but like a good few others I am scared of pain and also the results!