View Full Version : On the verge of a breakdown :(

14-12-10, 20:23
I can feel it.

Had oen back in March and i can feel the same symptoms again :(

My car insurance company have been messin me about today and i started shouting at them and my mum, neglecting myself and just sitting there starin into space. I can literally feel the adrenalin runin through my body, and my vision is weird again, my arms feel floaty and i cant walk in a straight line as im so off balance. I have spent all day crying. I just wish i could feel normal. I cant deal with this anymore :( I read that long term stress and adrenalin can cause heart problems, and no matter how hard it try I cannot get rid of the adrenalin and constant worry/stress, I never ever feel relaxed, i get one or two 'good days' a week where i feel ok, then the rest is spent feeling like im dying :( Thing is, i dont feel depressed, i only feel anxious about my symptoms that im seeing a neurologist about in february, i just dont get what is going on with me :(

Can long term anxiety and stress/adrenalin cause you to 'crack up' and go in a mental institute?? Ive always wondered how the patients end up they way they do... i worry myself sick im guna end up in there and never ever get better coz the stress and worry is too much for my brain to cope with...

Please help i cant do this anymore... im actually starting to feel very very ill... maybe going to the local mental hospital would be better for me, but i have a little 2 year old who i love so much, plus i go to college.. ppl think that coz im doing that then i must be well, but fact is, i force myself to carry on coz i dont want ti get a hold of me again.. but all the time im absolutely dying inside :(

I hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-12-10, 20:24
btw im 23 xx

14-12-10, 21:17

You sound like your having a really rough time at the moment, i spent 6 weeks in a psych hospital in august and believe me you wouldnt be better off in there, these wards are really distressing places. Are you on any meds, i know you said you've had this before, do you have a CPN

14-12-10, 21:51
Hiya love, you do sound like youre having it hard right now :hugs: remember "this too will pass", it's temporary.

Can long term stress and adrenline cause heart problems - well I'm not gonna say no it definitely won't - but heart problems have sooo many risk factors that we're all a bit at risk - noone is so chilled out and healthy that they're not at risk at all! Just like crossing the road - we're all at risk of getting knocked down but we ca reduce it and so can you with this - like not smoking, keeping the alcohol to a minimum, having fun, relaxing, getting a good workout!

I've got to say, my mum's had a nervous breakdown due to childhood sexual/physical abuse and rape - she took one in her 20s and did stay in a mental health ward - she still finds it very hard to talk about and gets flashbacks of things she saw, treatment she got etc. So I do think, not that these places are like that now, but if you can avoid it I would. And please don't worry about your wee lad, I grew up alright with my mum :winks: if anything I bet you're a better mum than most :)

Are you taking tablets, and have you gone for any kind of counselling at all? I'm a big believer in no tablets unless necessary but I know they can really help some people.. Counselling too can work wonders.

You're not seeing a neurologist until February - that suggests you are more than likely fine :) honest.

I'm having the same difficulties, chest pain and palpitations, left arm pain and dizziness - but four ecgs later and the GP says she is convinced its not my heart. So I'm trying really hard to calm myself down.

You know with anxiety the small things can really help - so say for example going for a walk, picking up the phone and giving a pal a ring, sticking on the telly/dvd...

I remember once I was really upset about something - it was minor looking back - but my friend, in a moment of madness, stuck the cha cha slide on my iPod and convinced me to dance a long (whilst sitting on a train).. We ended up laughing so hard that I forgot was upsetting me. It still works now at nighttime if I can't sleep - I stick that on or anything like cheesy pop/party songs and have a bop - it does make you smile at least. Better if you're on your own though :D..

It's a difficult time of year just now, and I sympathise, I really do :hugs:I KNOW you can beat this - you overcame one breakdown, you can do it again :yesyes: you know where I am if you need a chat, just pm me and I WILL get back to you, might take a day depending on uni work but I will reply :)

And you won't be the first person to shout at insurance people :winks:

Anyhow, I've rambled enough :) feel better, speak soon and God bless xx

14-12-10, 22:34
remember "this too will pass", it's temporary.

daisy..... these are fantastic words.

15-12-10, 02:57
I can relate to what you say. I've been there lately and feel the adrenaline like you can't cope. But it's human nature to battle on I always tell myself it will take something "extreme" to make you go mad. I know it's no comfort at the time of a panic about going mad though.

but yes a breakdown is my biggest fear. Just be positive and realise you will have better days and it will pass..once you realise you're not mad the fear will vanish.