View Full Version : shoulder/neck tension, sinus connection ?

14-12-10, 20:40
Can anyone relate to this?

11 years ago my anxiety first started after sinus congestion was accompanied by awful neck and shoulder tension..and dizzy turns. Things progressed from there with all kinds of symptoms but eventually I got through it.

9 months ago, virtually the same symptoms started and off I went again with a racing mind and all sorts of symptoms starting up and coming and going.

A physio told me I had shoulder impingement. The tension is better some days than others but has anyone had the tightness appear in a shoulder and the muscle side of neck is more taut than the other. When this happens it feels like the tightness is running up to my head and in the sinus area over bridge of nose. Its then that I go lightheaded.
Anyone ??

14-12-10, 21:58
I also get the tightness in my neck , its so painful. I spend a lot of time on the computer , do you?
I try to get up and walk around at work so that im not in the same position for hours on end..

15-12-10, 04:27
I have exactly the same symptoms. It started for me with general shoulder and neck tension without the lightheadedness or sinus problems, but now I'm having everything as you've described.

I believe it really began for me when I tried to self-correct my posture... and I think I just made things much worse. My lower back sometimes hurts, so I think I overcompensated and put a lot of strain on my neck and upper back.

Now I find myself in a high anxiety-inducing environment (living and working in a foreign country for the first time) and the symptoms are really getting me down. It really inhibits my ability to function at work.

From what I've gone through, I've deduced that it's the shoulder tension that is causing the sinus problems, and not the other way around. So if we can somehow get the tension under control, everything will work itself out. Easier said then done though, right?

Does anyone have some advice on what we can do to stop this?

15-12-10, 04:32
Im not sure of sinus although I would suspect it highly.. sinus is a pain.. but if you have tmj or your teeth are misaligned it can cause this severely from what I understand.The neck and shoulder thing I can feel for you.Lately I have felt like my neck is locked forward and I have hurt in my shoulders and neck and head..Good luck to you and hope you are feeling better soon.Michae

15-12-10, 09:12
I asked my GP about the connection with sinus/shoulder & neck tension. She told me yes, this can happen .
I have found before that if the tension goes then my sinus is much better. I dont often get sinus pain headaches. Its to do with the narrow airway further up the sinus I am told rather than sinus infection . I have perrenial allergic rhinitis and only a few allergens have been identified so far.

15-12-10, 09:41

Check out this article on Trigger points. This really sounds an awful lot like what we are describing.


eternally optimistic
15-12-10, 13:11

I have got just what you described.

I think it could be all your nerves running through your face which are likely to be agitated, I have got an horrendous head ache tooooo.

I have taken syndol, which does help, but knocks you out too so can make you feel groggy.

15-12-10, 14:34
Thanks for the link yeoksam, thats interesting.

I was wondering do any of you get a creeping,tingling sensation sometimes with this tension. With me it starts in neck, to cheek and then over part of scalp depending which shoulder is most tense. Its a horrible sensation, doesnt hurt just annoying.

rachael t
15-12-10, 21:49
do u suffer with swollen neck glands with this x

15-12-10, 21:51
Hi rachael. No I dont have that