View Full Version : Loneliness and Despair

On The Outside
14-12-10, 20:41
I was wondering if there are people here who are in a similar state that I'm currently in or have been but found a way out of it. I'm feeling really lonely and depressed at the moment and seem to permanently procrastinating on how to go about changing my life but never getting anywhere due to fear and anxiety.

Basically, I've always been shy and, since I left school, have found it very difficult to make friends. I spent at least six years not knowing or talking to anyone outside of my family though for most of this time I didn't feel particularly lonely. Then it suddenly hit me at the age of 23 how much I wanted to have friends and meet someone special. I felt hopeless not knowing where to start or how to go about meeting anyone. I'd suffered severe OCD for a number of years and had to do many rituals before I could leave the house (until this got so bad that I didn't go out for days, then weeks). Eventually the combination of my feelings of loneliness, desire to find a girlfriend but being too shy to approach anyone and the OCD rituals culminated in me having a nervous breakdown. I didn't have to go into hospital but soon after started to see therapists and a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with OCD.

The first option available to me for making new friends was through several courses I attended which were specifically for people with some mental health problems (both long term and short term). I met a number of people through there that I didn't really have anything in common with but made a really good friend of someone with Bipolar Disorder which gave me an insight into his illness. Sadly he died early in 2006 of an unexpected accident.

In the meantime, I've made other friends through various groups I've attended but they've usually been short lived friendships, sometimes because they've been difficult to get on with or have sensed I'm a soft touch and taken advantage of my kind nature. I've also known people I've liked a lot but they've not really had time for me and lost touch.

One of the most common things that has happened is that the few friends I've had (who have mostly been male) end up getting a girlfriend and then I stop hearing from them. This has hurt me for a variety of reasons and I've recently become very depressed about how it's made me feel. I hate the way they just decide not to bother with me anymore once they've found someone and it also hurts me because, no matter what I've done to try and find a girlfriend, it's never worked out. I've tried various dating sites but rarely get any messages and now find it very hard to approach women on such sites as I've often not had replies to the messages I've sent them. I struggle to make friends elsewhere online and used to be on a number of social networking sites and support sites before I gave up on them as it seemed nobody really wanted to know.

I do have one real life friend who I haven't officially fallen out with (he's the one exception who hasn't found anyone and doesn't get any interest from women!) but, despite us having some interests in common (mostly based around past music and TV), he's one of the most difficult, stubborn and insensitive people I've ever met. I can't count the number of times he's said things that have hurt me (usually personal remarks) and, over the last couple of years, I've discovered the more assertive (and, occasionally, justifiably angry with him) I've been with him, the more selfish and unpleasant he's become. He can be really overpowering and "in yer face" when he's wirh someone (with me anyway) but rarely phones me and expects all his friends to call him. So recently I've decided, as I have done before, to leave him to get in touch.

I wish I had some friends who could understand how I feel and maybe offer me some encouragement that I don't get from anyone. I've never had a lot of confidence but used to have more than I do now and greater self esteem.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Feel free to reply or PM me if you have any advice or ideas on what I should do.

15-12-10, 17:12
I was wondering if there are people here who are in a similar state that I'm currently in or have been but found a way out of it. I'm feeling really lonely and depressed at the moment and seem to permanently procrastinating on how to go about changing my life but never getting anywhere due to fear and anxiety.
I suppose I've been in a similar situation and probably still am to some extent I had the feeling that my life was rooted to the spot qute literally sometimes as I'd spend hours lying on my bed trying to pluck up the courage to interact with other people wether be it in person or just on the net.

I've always had a few friends so I've never been totally alone but my anxiety and panic have hampered friendships greatly so this year I made a concerted effort to push myself more and work on relationships with people more (joining No More Panic was one way of doing this:D) I like walking so joined a couple of walking groups and made a few friends that way,its real tough having anxiety and joining new groups but sometimes you've just got to push yourself and leave your comfort zone.

Never say never and keep trying,join as many interest groups as you feel comfortable with,a lot of people are in the same boat as you and and join groups to make lasting friendships or to find love,your best mate or future partner is out there somewhere I promise:) keep trying and good luck.


15-12-10, 17:29
Maybe you could join an evening class or group that share some interests with you? I actually met my husband whilst playing an online game. Neither of us were looking for love, but that's how it ended up!
Try not to pressurise yourself for not having a partner. It won't be helping you at all. You'll be assessing every girl you meet to see if she could like you and you her. Just let it happen on it's own. Make some female friends and see where it goes.

16-12-10, 17:01

I'm sorry to hear of the terrible things you have gone through. I to have always found it hard to make friends from being shy, but the few friends I have had, have always stabbed me in the back. Since leaving school, I haven't had any friends up until now. Well I suppose I could call them friends, as there are a few people I am close to at work, although they are twice my age. They are the only few people that have been understanding since I've been suffering from anxiety.
I only wish I had the answer to making friends, to share it with you but I'm sure there are some kind, understanding people out there that you will meet one day.

On The Outside
03-01-11, 19:51
Thanks for your replies. I just thought I'd update this as I've been feeling really bad again and worrying about my future. My one real life friend phoned me just before Christmas and I was pleased to hear from him as I'd heard nothing for weeks. I don't really want to lose him as a friend (despite all the negative things about him) but he's gone away on holiday for a few weeks so I don't even have him to talk to.

Maybe you could join an evening class or group that share some interests with you? I actually met my husband whilst playing an online game. Neither of us were looking for love, but that's how it ended up!
Try not to pressurise yourself for not having a partner. It won't be helping you at all. You'll be assessing every girl you meet to see if she could like you and you her. Just let it happen on it's own. Make some female friends and see where it goes.

I have thought a lot about joining groups but I've had so many bad experiences that it's really hard to gear myself up to try something. Usually I've found that I don't connect with many people in groups (partly because of my shyness) and those I do usually don't stay friends for very long.

You're right about it not helping me but I find it hard not to have expectations when almost everyone I've known has somehow found a partner or had women interested in them and some have had quite offputting things about them. Last year I spoke regularly on the phone to a guy who was obsessed about having never ahd a girlfriend but since he found someone I've stopped hearing from him. It wouldn't have been easy for me because of my own situation but, unlike others I've known, he was sensitive to my feelings and didn't rub it in my face about what he'd got. I miss speaking to him and would have liked to have remained friends.

I don't want to feel so desperate but it's been hard for me even to make friends with women as I don't know any and struggle to connect with women my age or younger online. I tried at the end of the year to write to a number of people I hadn't heard from for ages (most of whom I'd met on other support sites). I kept trying not to give in to my negative thoughts about them not wanting to hear from me because they would probably have kept in touch otherwise. But I only heard back from one of them, strangely enough the one I least expected to hear from!

I don't know what to do as I hate living like this, feeling that almost nobody cares about me. Life just seems really pointless at times.

03-01-11, 20:10
Evening classes sound a great idea although I understand they may be a struggle. There's nothing like meeting up with a like minded group of folk with the same interest.

I was in a similar position with agoraphobia; other than going to work I wouldn't go anywhere. No shops, rarely friends...nothing. This went on for two years.

I'm mad about guitars and so this time last year joined a guitar forum (I know that's slightly different than an evening class). Anywho, in November I flew to Germany with a bunch of strangers to visit guitar shops and see a band. Flying scares the living daylights out of me, meeting strangers isn't easy, I hate crowds, hate trains (particularly underground). I managed them all as it was something I wanted to do.

Was a bit of an eye opener when it come to fighting my anxieties.