View Full Version : dose any one truly care?

14-12-10, 20:45
iv spent the last 7 days in and out of hopitals having assments time on mental ward od and infected cuts on my arms panic afirst chance i get i go in chat ask for and qoute " i need some one to talk to " dose any one say anything no ! i truly thort that at this time i could come on here and get some suport its been hell think i have friends on here barring emms and sue that i cud talk to i fell truly upset getting currage to talk about whats going on on lnly to feel ignored iv never sed a bad word about this site nor but i feel it more of a free for all joke party then some where i can come and feel cumpherted im not asking for councerlling or some one to wine at just want a listerning understnading ear and thort of all the place this would be it ........... i beging to think that actuallt no one likes me and just says hi and be done with it

sorry but i never say anything but this has really upset me

14-12-10, 21:01
wow sounds you you have had a tough week,
I notice too that when you cry you cry alone..........
when I had an awful month I found the people here to be soooo supportive.
but yes a few people have found that the chartroom seems to be at times more about uplifting happy fun n games rather than helping a distressed person.

14-12-10, 21:09

Sorry you had a really rough time of it, please don't think that no one likes you, i,m sorry to hear that when you needed to talk nobody listened. Please don't let that put you off using the site, their are a lots of really supportive people on here that do care and will always be there for you. take care x

14-12-10, 21:12
Hi Hopers

Sorry to hear that you have been feeling so bad. I am sure it people in chat weren't ignoring you on purpose, they may not have seen your message-I know it can get pretty busy in there sometimes.
Try not to let it upset you, when I am feeling anxious I often misinterpret what other people say or how they look at me but it is just because I am feeling so bad about myself that I can't imagine anyone would have anything good to say about me.
You are not on your own though and there are lots of people on this site who know how you feel.

I really hope you start to feel a bit better soon xxx

14-12-10, 21:15
Hi Hopers,

Sounds like you're having a really hard time, I'm sorry to hear that.

I spend a lot of time thinking nobody likes me, it's a lie that my depression and anxiety tell me. I need to stop listening to it, you do too. :hugs:

I care.


14-12-10, 23:33
Oh Georga, I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time lovely. I knew you didn't sound right when we spoke the other day.

I was out earlier when you sent me a txt. I was keeping my niece company cos her hubbies gran is dying and he was called to the hospital. If I could have come in to chat I would have hun.

Give me a ring tomorrow - I think I'll probably be at my nieces again but I will be about if you need me.

Sue xxxxx

15-12-10, 00:29
hi hopers as iv not been on here that long me self and i was going thru the same thing me self when a joined the site but i got used to the site a bit more. you can do drivate with others. it is hard in the chat room sometimes cos you dont know who is talking to who or asking who things in there but you will get there its fine and as you know we are here for a reason and thats tohelp each other the best way we can so dont give up n hang in there yeh :hugs:

15-12-10, 12:51
thanks for all yr replys

i had a bad night full of panic no sleep and just wishing i could hybernate the mht have been calling but the pressure to talk is so high i just wanna hide im staying at me mums to recoperate but im screard about going home falling in to the same rutine and feeling alone iv been crying now for 2 hours my eyes sting and are sore and i cant face eating my partner and daughter are coming to see me and im so nervus i just hope i can hold it toghter


Tia Maria
15-12-10, 13:02
Hi hopers - I agree that the Chat Room tends to be mostly an area for chit-chat now - which is good in a way, but I seldom go in it anymore and tend to use this thread instead. Please don't feel you are alone and that nobody cares - we do. You can always PM me anytime - I will always answer your messages - but it may be in the evenings. Take care and enjoy your partner and daughter visiting.

15-12-10, 15:26
Hi Hopers,

I’m sorry people weren’t more sympathetic towards you in Chat the other day. I think sometimes it can be a bit like that, but I never use it myself so cannot really comment.

That doesn’t mean people don’t care though. I’ve written to you a couple of times on the forum, and I do care. Even when you haven’t been around I still wonder how things are going. I hoped it was a case of ‘no news is good news’, and was sorry to read that it’s been rather a tough week.

Hope you’re feeling a bit better now :hugs:


15-12-10, 16:25
Hi Georga, sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope you feel better soon xxx

15-12-10, 23:00
been crying now for 2 hours my eyes sting and are sore

I know that one! :hugs:

15-12-10, 23:54
thanks nigal i no youve been there for me meny times and few others and i no i get over sesntive just with this brack down and everyhting in my head i dont even no what to right every one is being really nice and warm and welcoming i feel lost and hurt and let down the mht have offerd no suport so im diganosied with abreack down and nothing and no one the crises team pulled out cos the mht did they just sed thats theres nothing to be done left all alone with no proffesonal help who the hec am i sopsoe to talk to the systm suck i got more suposrt whenii was drinking and i stop drinking and now get no sport its bizarr and mind boggling iv had enuff to day im tierd and just wanna ivaporate in to the dust that i started as i just wish someone would take notice and say hay il help no matter what but i guess im stuck deling with this onmy own and thats scarey


16-12-10, 00:10
I always feel much worse when I'm tired. I'd try to get as much rest as you can, even if it's hard to sleep.

For me, dealing with everything all at once is too much. So I tend to take things one little step at a time, I know where I want to be - better. I may not be sure of the way, but I know one little step at a time will get me there. Whether that step is getting out of bed, out of the door or more.

Take care of yourself :hugs:


16-12-10, 02:55
Hi Hopers

Sadly the MHT/Crisis Team are often not a lot of help until a person hits rock bottom, then it’s a bit late. Where’s the support in the earlier stages when it could really make a difference? :mad:

But no one should have to deal with all this on their own. You mentioned your family. Is it possible to lean on them for a little more support to get you through this tough period? Or us lot here? I know you said Chat wasn’t very helpful the other day, but I’m sure it’s not always like that. Or you could post on the forum.

Just remember... you’re not alone :hugs:


16-12-10, 19:57
i do try and talk to them but they dont really understand give me a hug and make a brew i need some one proffeshonal but itlooks as thoe im not getting that im on my own for a few hours and im scread 27 and scread ...... scread that io might do somthing im in chat but i dont no what to say my head is throbbing not hurting and feel like its stuffy im tierd shacky and heart is beating hard i got 4 hours sleep last night after taking a sleeping tablet and im back on my meds but im weepy and feel very nervus just wish i had someone that understood to talk thow things with me ya know


17-12-10, 02:15
hopers you will make it...it gets better with time belive me...hand onto your hope..and read books by diana cooper and doren virtue..they will bring you comfort...talk to yur guardian angel they help xxx st johns wort is good too

blue moon
17-12-10, 05:36
Here are some big hugs Hopers:bighug1::bighug1:Hope you are feeling better.
Love Petra x:flowers: