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View Full Version : Have you ever thought emotional apathy to be the answer ?

14-12-10, 21:27
Must be comforting, huh ? Ever wished to turn off your emotions ?

14-12-10, 21:44
Yes and no Chris would be my answer.

Certain things I would love to switch off.....worry, paranoia, the fear and dread that comes with panic attacks, but in terms of emotions as a whole, no, because it is the positive ones that get you through the negatives, i. e. love, empathy and sympathy - which takes your mind away from your own feelings.

I would hate to be emotionless...who wants to be a zombie devoid of any feeling?!:wacko:

I would however just love to be one of those carefree (or seem like it) people who have the wonderful ability to just get on with things, and not let trivialities concern or worry them. I always see those things as HUGE and would love to be rid of that.:weep: