View Full Version : Just had another funny heart do

14-12-10, 22:33
I saw cardiologist last week about these funny heart do's I have had in past three months. It always happens same circumstances - I have eaten a bit too much and am leaning forward slightly about 5 mins after I have finished eating and then I suddenly get a fluttering feeling in my chest and just feel strange, the fluttering only last a few seconds but in that time I think I get an adrenalin surge as my heart races and I need the toilet quickly as in bowels but normal bowel movement. This time it did it I tried to feel my pulse just to see what it was doing but it only seemd to be a bit fast.

I have had two 24 ecg's in last 6 months one being just a few weeks ago but of course I did not have a heart do just my normal ectopics on that one. The cardio is arranging for me to have a high tech gizmo that I carry around with me for three weeks and if I feel the fluttering I just place "it" on my chest so it can record what is happening- the chances of it happeneing and me getting it to my chest in time are remote but he said to give it a try. He said he does not thing from my description and the fact I have not actually fainted and it lasts only a few seconds that it is anything harmful but would like to see for certain.

I am used to ectopics but this is something new to me and does seem to be connected to my stomach and position as every time I am leaning forward with a full stomach when it happens.

Anyone have anything similar????

24-12-10, 08:47
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.

26-03-16, 06:04
I have been having this recently . My wife says she thinks it nervous stomach and anxiety and stress.. Hopefully its nothing bad. Its very scary for me and I hate it.

26-03-16, 09:06
Hi hun, what you describe, the flutters are they situated where your heart is, or just your chest in general, if it's your chest in general I get something very similar, it's a strange sensation but no pain.

26-03-16, 12:11
Will update you about this. I eventually had a cardiac moniter implanted in my chest in June last year so they could catch whatever these attacks were. I have been told the were very unlikely to be dangerous as I was still alive!

I had a bad one in autumn last year where I had the intense fluttering sensation in my chest and went very very faint ( vision went) but I didn't actually faint and it lasted about 16 seconds in all. This was of course registered on the moniter and the info was sent to cardio.
I saw him a few weeks later and he said my heart rate had gone from 76bpm to 178bpm and it had lasted for 16 seconds. He was 99.9% certain these attacks are super ventricular tachycardia which is not dangerous but are unpleasant. Apparently most people are born with an extra pathway in their heart that lays dormant but at times of hormonal upheaval like puberty pregnancy and menopause in women this pathway can become active. Mine started at time of menopause.

So what i have is real and very unpleasant but it is not actually a danger to me as he said its almost certain that I will not actually faint and that my heart will reset itself fairly quicly. I can get it to do it myself by holding my nose and blowing ( valsalva manouvre) which I do or by deep hard cough.

If I was getting these attacks so much it was really affecting my life then they can attempt ablation therapy which if successful is a cure but there are risks so I just live with it.

Whilst I realise this may not reassurem I just wanted to let you know that not all heart things are necessarily a danger to your health, they feel terrible and in themselves cause us massive anxiety but are basically not life threatening.