View Full Version : had enough why bother anymore!!

14-12-10, 22:55
I ready to give up everything and just go away had enough of studying, working, constantly being tired(not sleeping), fed up of me, life. Panicing about loads of things at the mo stupid little things like am i good enough, am i doing the right thing at work, am i able to study, panicing already about a law exam next year not til may so stupid exams are a big fear of mine.

Worried about xmas as i hate xmas but yet looking forward to having some time off.

Feel so alone no one knows hoe i am, as they see that i am fine, but cant tell anyone. Scared to trust anyone....

Cant even go to the docs as hate them and will get in such a state... know i need to get some things checked out..

oh well me own stupid fault, just wish it would all go away and all the memories of the past will go..

I guess my job also is bringing up a lot of things for me that i find hard to deal with!!!

Im so stupid, horrible, bad, evil its all my fault..

14-12-10, 22:59
No you're not :hugs:

I feel a lot of those things too, but it's not me, it's a lie my anxiety tells me. I'm learning to go a bit easier on myself and do you know what? It's nice.

Give yourself a break, you're OK :D


blue moon
14-12-10, 23:03
IKnow things may seem like crap right now,but just think what you have achieved,much more than most,exams are hard and draining but YOU will succeed.Your job just smile and try not to let it all get to you.You are not stupid,horrible or bad,you sound to me like a very intelligent beautiful person,so you look after yourself and don't be so hard on you,every thing will be OK.
Love and Best Wishes
Petra x:bighug1:

14-12-10, 23:06
Hi Chris and blue moon thanks so much for your kind replies, but not sure your talking about me there!! It just so hard im just so up and down and dont know what to do anymore. finding it hard keeping it all hidden and under wraps but no one to trust to let it out and scared to!! oh well never mind.

14-12-10, 23:10
:hugs:lots of them for you - I can't think of the right words. I do understand the 'trust' issue.

14-12-10, 23:18
thanks ggaron appreciate the reply and support tc

14-12-10, 23:25
hi ljd i understand what your going through.. ive recently been diagnosed with anxiety / depression all the doctor did was keep uping my meds because all i kept telling him was i feel crap, dont sleep , when i go out in public i have hot flushes clammy hands cant breathe etc.. when i do go out now i have to have someone with me because i feel paranoid people are looking at me.. i went seeing another doc and hes took me off sertaline and is weaning me off amitriptaline and hes now given me propanolol (however you spell it) and zopiclone for my loss of sleep and hes referred me to a CBT which i have go see tomorrow and im stressing so bad over it.. it may seem little to other but to me its the end of the world xx

14-12-10, 23:30
Hi lady im so sorry to hear how ur feeling. You will be able to go out again on your own you did before. CBT will hopefully really help you and is worth sticking at if you can, not easy though im sure. well thans for your replt tc