View Full Version : Is this a normal part of aging ? Eyes?

14-12-10, 23:30
Last night I got up to use the bathroom.I went from a really dark room to a bright light in the bathroom.It seemed like the light overwhelmed my eyes and I couldn't see..Like the whole room was really bright. It took about 20 seconds or so before things started to look more normal. It scared me because I had never experienced this before.

Now sometimes late in the evening my eyes have trouble adjusting to the fading light and everything looks a little blurry and smokey for a bit but then as it gets completely dark it becomes better.

But then this thing last night frightened me a bit.Anyone else ever have anything like this?

15-12-10, 00:15
Does anybody else feel this way ?

15-12-10, 00:20
Um I get that, going from a dark to bright room , painful at times, I think everyone gets it, or maybe I'm more sensitive because I get migraines, ever see on tv if someone is in bed and another person pull the curtains open, flooding the room with the light, the person in bed shields his eyes....... perfectly normal.

15-12-10, 00:25
WOW. I guess I have noticed it but it was so strange Mishel.. Just very weird.I guess when I stumbled in the bathroom and felt that I couldn't separate the light from the surroundings for a few seconds it really played on my anxiety making me think I was having some type of stroke.I guess this is all normal and its just a normal thing and Im not as young as I used to be..I think I read somewhere that this is a normal thing with aging.. Hope it gets better. Michael

15-12-10, 10:48
i get weird eye symptoms at the moment, its horrible becaue i have a fear of blindness so the lsightest shadow or bright light and i think im going blind!! i do wear glasses and i do need a new prescription, im constantly putting it off even though i know deep down there is nothig wrong with my eyes i just needa different prescription since giving bith as my eyes have changed. but i see the occasionaly floater, blurs and smudges although i think alot of that it my glasses being scratched and smeary and i als see the occasional shadow in the corner of my vision as though theres something there but there isnt.

it doesnt always bother me but at the moment it seem to be on my mind alot so im noticing it more. i have to keep telling myself i can still see, my vision hasnt gone so im ok but it does freak me out. i also get the weird thing when watching telly in the dark, i can see the tv but its as though im drawn into the tv and cant see anything around me all i can see is the tv if that makes sense, i have to stop and look around the room for a few seconds to refocus my eyes!

16-12-10, 06:01
Yes I know what you mean by being drawn into the television.I have experienced this off and on many years and lately with hi def tv its even easier to do this..thanks for answering.Michael

16-12-10, 09:07
Sorry looking4 answers perhaps I’m missing something here but the reaction to your eyes going from dark to sudden light should happen to everyone. The same in reverse when you leave the bathroom and switch the light off it should appear particularly dark for maybe ten or so seconds.

Basically your pupils (The dark centre piece) in your eye open and close to allow just the right amount of light through to see b when its dark they are wide to allow as much light in as possible and close up when the light brightens but they take a few seconds to process this information and react.